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Nude body painting exhibits in Time Square

Photo shows approximately 200 nude models putting themselves on display as part of a nude body painting exhibit in the middle of Times Square. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) The public nudity was part of New York City artist Andy

Photo shows approximately 200 nude models putting themselves on display as part of a nude body painting exhibit in the middle of Times Square. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) The public nudity was part of New York City artist Andy Golub's latest exhibit, 'Body Notes'. The models were painted with sentences of phrases they selected, and were meant to inspire what they describe as ‘positivity and acceptance.’ audience members watched, took photos and talked to the models as they were being painted.

Photo shows approximately 200 nude models putting themselves on display as part of a nude body painting exhibit in the middle of Times Square. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) The public nudity was part of New York City artist Andy Golub's latest exhibit, 'Body Notes'. The models were painted with sentences of phrases they selected, and were meant to inspire what they describe as ‘positivity and acceptance.’ Audience members watched, took photos and talked to the models as they were being painted.

  • 本文标签:
  • painting exhibits
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