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British woman only needs to put her bin out every two years

Photo shows Cate avoiding buying toothpaste by making her own out of bicarbonate of soda and peppermint oil. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) An eco-friendly mum has cut down on waste so much she only needs to put her bin out once e

Photo shows Cate avoiding buying toothpaste by making her own out of bicarbonate of soda and peppermint oil. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) An eco-friendly mum has cut down on waste so much she only needs to put her bin out once every two years. Cate Cody, 44, from Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, England, tries to buy everything wrapper-free, takes Tupperware tubs to the butchers and fishmongers and grows her own fruit and veg. She even makes her own toothpaste and deodorant out of bicarbonate of soda and organic oils because she can’t bear to bin the tubes and bottles. If she buys eggs or jam she donates the boxes and jars to friends and wraps Christmas presents with scarves instead of using rolls of paper. The only things that go in her black bin are seals from milk bottles and the occasional bit of plastic packaging from food, usually that friends have brought 

Photo shows Kate keeping egg shells and nut shells before baking them to make a slug repellant. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) An eco-friendly mum has cut down on waste so much she only needs to put her bin out once every two years. Cate Cody, 44, from Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, England, tries to buy everything wrapper-free, takes Tupperware tubs to the butchers and fishmongers and grows her own fruit and veg. She even makes her own toothpaste and deodorant out of bicarbonate of soda and organic oils because she can’t bear to bin the tubes and bottles. If she buys eggs or jam she donates the boxes and jars to friends and wraps Christmas presents with scarves instead of using rolls of paper. The only things that go in her black bin are seals from milk bottles and the occasional bit of plastic packaging from food, usually that friends have brought 

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  • British
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