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三星加紧全球召回Note 7

导读:由于三星Note 7手机电池存在爆炸风险,三星公司敦促Note 7机主们不要再使用或者交换该手机。Samsung recalled 2.5 million phones last week after reports emerged of the device exploding during or after charging.之前曾有报道

导读:由于三星Note 7手机电池存在爆炸风险,三星公司敦促Note 7机主们不要再使用或者交换该手机。

三星加紧全球召回Note 7

Samsung recalled 2.5 million phones last week after reports emerged of the device exploding during or after charging.

之前曾有报道说三星Note 7在充电过程中或者充电过后会爆炸,作为回应,三星上周在全球紧急召回了250万台手机。

And airline passengers were warned by US authorities not to switch on or charge the phones while on board.

美国政府也警告乘坐飞机的乘客不要在飞机上使用Note 7,也不要给Note 7充电。

The South Korean company said it would replace all devices that were handed in from 19 September.


A statement by Samsung, the world’s biggest mobile phone maker, said "our customers’ safety is an absolute priority".


"Until a replacement device is provided, Samsung asks all customers with a Galaxy Note 7 smartphone to power down your device and return it to its place of purchase at your earliest opportunity," the statement added.

这份声明表示:“在替换的手机到达前,三星要求所有Note 7用户关掉手机,尽快将其交到经销商处。”

Earlier on Saturday, aviation authorities in the United Arab Emirates banned use of the devices on the Emirates and Etihad airlines.

周六早间,阿联酋航空局禁止在阿联酋航空公司和阿提哈德航空公司的航班上使用Note 7。

Similar bans had already been put in place by Singapore Airlines, Qantas and Virgin Australia.


The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also advised against packing the phones into any checked-in luggage.

美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)同样建议乘客不要把Note 7放进托运行李中。

Samsung recalled the phone last week after reports emerged of the device exploding during or after charging.

之前曾有报道说三星Note 7在充电过程中或者充电过后会爆炸,作为回应,三星上周在全球对Note 7进行了紧急召回。

US TV channel Fox 10 reported claims that a faulty Galaxy Note 7 had set fire to a family’s Jeep.

美国电视频道“福克斯10台”报道称,一台故障的Note 7使得一户家庭的吉普车着了火。

Samsung has said that battery problems were behind the phones catching fire, but that it was difficult to work out which phones were affected among those sold.


The phone was launched last month and has been otherwise generally well-received by consumers and critics.

上个月三星发布了Note 7,并且受到用户和评论家的普遍好评。

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