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Shared compartment service appears in Shanghai

The shared compartment service appeared in some office buildings in Shanghai recently. People can enjoy a rest in the compartment by scanning the QR codes for payment. Disposable bedding is provided and the compartment w

The shared compartment service appeared in some office buildings in Shanghai recently. People can enjoy a rest in the compartment by scanning the QR codes for payment. Disposable bedding is provided and the compartment will be disinfected automatically by ultraviolet light after use. (Xinhua/Du Xiaoyi)

The shared compartment service appeared in some office buildings in Shanghai recently. People can enjoy a rest in the compartment by scanning the QR codes for payment. Disposable bedding is provided and the compartment will be disinfected automatically by ultraviolet light after use. (Xinhua/Du Xiaoyi)

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  • compartment service
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