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导读:2016年7月23日,北京八达岭野生动物园老虎伤人,致1死1伤,事件发生后,社会反响强烈。1个月后,保险公司暂停与其保险合作,遭虎袭女子,或理赔无望。Chinese insurance company PICC has halted its accident insurance contract w



Chinese insurance company PICC has halted its accident insurance contract with Beijing Badaling wildlife Park, where tigers killed one person and injured another in July this year.


The PICC - People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited – which made the announcement earlier this week, also said that the two tourists didn’t buy its accident insurance, and they therefore have no obligation to provide any compensation.


“We halted our contract with Beijing Badaling Wildlife Park because we were told recently that the park sold a ‘security assurance card’ to tourists to exchange for the insurance policy. That means many tourists didn’t buy our insurance directly,” a Miss Dong from PICC told the Beijing News.


“The cancelation of our contract with the park has nothing to do with the tragedy in July,” she added.


According to the Beijing News, every tourist to the Badaling Wildlife Park has to buy a five-yuan (less than one US dollar) “security assurance card”. only with this card and their ID card can the tourists gain access to the insurance policy, which is the only way tourists could receive compensation from PICC.


However, the newspaper said that some tourists were not aware of the card, or just didn’t want to bother with using the card to gain insurance coverage. Since the PICC started its contract with the park on April 1, 2015 till this July, only 7,000 yuan (1,049 US dollars) of insurance had been sold.


A separate report from Beijing Youth Daily said that the contract details accident insurance coverage of up to 100,000 yuan (14,990 US dollars), and travel medical insurance coverage of up to 20,000 yuan (2,998 US dollars) for every tourist.


In response, the Badaling Wildlife Park said that although the contract with PICC was halted, the two tourists “will definitely” get the compensation they deserve. Currently the survivor of the attack is going through the necessary procedures, it added.


Online, Chinese netizens have rather divided opinions.


The insurance company is so shameless! After all, it was an accident, whether or not the woman got out of her car in a restricted area!@Xiangsiruyun


It’s definitely the fault of the park! They charged the tourists the additional five-yuan but didn’t give them the insurance policy before they stepped into the park.@zZhou


I don’t think either the park or the insurance company shares any responsibility for the two victims, because the woman got out of her car in a restricted area. It was her own fault.@Jinlilai


  • 本文标签:
  • 八达岭 动物园
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