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导读:象牙是一种昂贵的材料,它最大的经济价值,吸引了广大的非法狩猎市场。Delegates at a UN wildlife conference have endorsed calls for the closure of all domestic ivory markets.一场联合国野生动植物会议上的代表,已经支持呼



Delegates at a UN wildlife conference have endorsed calls for the closure of all domestic ivory markets.


The non-binding proposal was approved at a meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) in South Africa.


Conservationists hailed it as a significant step towards ending the current elephant poaching crisis.


However Japan, which has a large domestic ivory trade, said the proposal did not apply there.


While the international market in ivory has been closed since 1989, legal domestic markets have continued in many countries around the world.


There has been growing concern that domestic trading has encouraged the poaching of elephants.


A surge in killing over the past seven years has seen populations across Africa shrink by a third, according to the recently published Great Elephant Census. What is driving the slaughter is the value of ivory, which can sell for around $1,100 (850 pounds) per kilo in China.


Countries including the US and China have announced plans to close their markets. The UK recently did the same, banning all trade in ivory dated from 1947 until the present day.


Trade in materials from before 1947 will continue.


While the nations attending this conference are divided on the best approach to protecting elephants, a compromise on the issue of closing domestic markets was arrived at after some heated discussions in a working group. however the measure then passed by consensus.


The agreed text calls is not legally binding and Cites can’t compel countries to follow, but conservationists believe that it is a strong move as it is the first time that the 183 countries that have signed the Convention have taken a unified position on this question.


"It’s an important step on the road to closing worldwide ivory markets. It’s the first time that Cites has agreed to intervene so directly in domestic ivory," said Robert Hepworth, a former chair of the Cites standing committee.

野生动植物组织常务委员会前主席Robert Hepworth说:“这是关闭全球象牙市场重要的一步。这是野生动植物组织首次同意如此直接地干预国内象牙市场。”

Because it is a compromise, the new resolution does come with a significant caveat. It encourages countries to close their markets where those markets are "contributing to poaching or illegal trade".


Some countries, including Japan are likely to argue that their markets don’t contribute to poaching so they don’t need to close them.


Speaking to the Japanese press, the country’s environment minister expressed the view that the resolution wouldn’t apply to Japan as there was no poached ivory in their market. Campaigners disagree vehemently.


"There is evidence that has shown that Japan’s market has illegal ivory, fraudulent documents are used and there is ivory from illegal or unknown origins circulating in the market," said Iris Ho, from Humane Society International.

来自国际人权社会的Iris Ho说:“有证据显示,日本市场拥有非法象牙,使用了具有欺诈性的文件,市场上存在流通的非法或者不知出处的象牙。”

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  • 动植物
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