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Colombian air force dog completes its parachute training jum

Photo shows Siara, a search-and-rescue dog, in freefall at 14,000ft above a Colombian air force base during a training exercise. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) A death defying danger dog jumps out of a plane at 14,000 feet to grad

Photo shows Siara, a search-and-rescue dog, in freefall at 14,000ft above a Colombian air force base during a training exercise. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) A death defying danger dog jumps out of a plane at 14,000 feet to graduate as an elite member of a search and rescue unit. Siara is a one year old Belgian malinois and she has been trained to cope with stressful situations in different environments both day and night since she was a few days old. once in the air, Siara behaves like your average dog in a car and can even be seen barking at her fellow jumpers as they pass by.

Photo shows Siara, a search-and-rescue dog, in freefall at 14,000ft above a Colombian air force base during a training exercise. (Photo: Huanqiu.com) A death defying danger dog jumps out of a plane at 14,000 feet to graduate as an elite member of a search and rescue unit. Siara is a one year old Belgian malinois and she has been trained to cope with stressful situations in different environments both day and night since she was a few days old. once in the air, Siara behaves like your average dog in a car and can even be seen barking at her fellow jumpers as they pass by.

  • 本文标签:
  • Colombian
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