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Elephants rescued from Sri Lankan sea

The Sri Lankan navy conducted a five-hour rescue mission at sea Sunday after two wild elephants became stranded about half a mile off-shore. The navy sent in divers and multiple vessels as part of what it called a mammot

The Sri Lankan navy conducted a five-hour rescue mission at sea Sunday after two wild elephants became stranded about half a mile off-shore. The navy sent in divers and multiple vessels as part of what it called a "mammoth" rescue operation. The elephants were towed back to the shore and released back into the wild. Neither elephant was harmed in the rescue. Navy officials say the animals were probably swept out while crossing a shallow lagoon. (Photo: Chinanews.com)

The Sri Lankan navy conducted a five-hour rescue mission at sea Sunday after two wild elephants became stranded about half a mile off-shore. The navy sent in divers and multiple vessels as part of what it called a "mammoth" rescue operation. The elephants were towed back to the shore and released back into the wild. Neither elephant was harmed in the rescue. Navy officials say the animals were probably swept out while crossing a shallow lagoon. (Photo: Chinanews.com)

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  • Elephants rescued
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