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大学生打球猝死 父母称校方施救不当索赔300万

导读:海口一名大三学生打篮球不幸猝死,其父母质疑学校施救不当,索赔300万元人民币。A college junior in Haikou, Hainan province recently died while playing basketball on the campus of his university. The students parents are


大学生打球猝死 父母称校方施救不当索赔300万

A college junior in Haikou, Hainan province recently died while playing basketball on the campus of his university. The student’s parents are now claiming a compensation of 3 million RMB from the university, asserting that their son’s death was caused by improper medical care on the part of the school.


At around 6:40 p.m. on Oct. 7, the student, Zibo (a pseudonym), collapsed on the basketball court. Wincing with pain, he exhibited obvious difficulty breathing. After arriving at the scene, doctors from the school infirmary performed CPR on Zibo, and also dialed 120, the emergency medical number in China. However, they failed to revive Zibo even after 40 minutes of treatment.


In the midst of grieving over the sudden death of their son, Zibo’s parents have also questioned the medical aid provided by the school. They claim that doctors should have sent Zibo to the hospital earlier instead of waiting for the 120 emergency aid to arrive. They are also skeptical of the investigation report issued by the university. For these reasons, they are claiming a compensation of 3 million RMB from the school.


According to the head of the school infirmary, surnamed Wei, the most likely window for a successful resuscitation is the first four minutes after a patient loses consciousness. However, the students with which Zibo was playing weren’t aware of that fact. Therefore, by the time the doctors arrived, Zibo’s body was already unresponsive.


Though Wei does not believe the university is responsible for Zibo’s death, the school has nevertheless offered a pension for the boy’s family. However, they have stated that the 3-million-RMB request is not acceptable.


The case is currently under investigation.


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  • 大学生
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