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第11届金鹰节颁奖晚会10月14日盛大开幕 金鹰女神花落谁家

导读:第28届中国电视金鹰节暨第11届中国金鹰电视艺术节于10月14日至10月16日期间在湖南长沙隆重举办。The 28th China TV Golden Eagle Award and the 11th China Golden Eagle Television Arts Festival is going to be held in Changsha


第11届金鹰节颁奖晚会10月14日盛大开幕 金鹰女神花落谁家

The 28th China TV Golden Eagle award and the 11th China Golden Eagle Television Arts festival is going to be held in Changsha, Hunan Province from October 14 to 16. It is reported that the Golden Eagle Festival in this year has added two new theme activities ——Golden Eagle Forum and GEC Golden Eagle competition sports festival, which add more exciting highlights for the Golden Eagle Festival.


Who will win Golden Eagle goddess this time?


The opening ceremony of the Golden Eagle Festival and the variety show will focus on the theme of ’the new Chinese television programmers on the Long March’, in order to look back to the prosperous development of Chinese television literature through the three themes of ’Never Forget the Initial Determination’, ’Reflect the Reality’ and ’Keen on Innovation’, thus expecting a common vision of the future with the integration of new patterns of innovation.


Golden Eagle Goddess’ will still follow the practice that it will invite the actress with high popularity in China. As one of the most concerned topic of each Golden Eagle Festival for audience to talk about, let’s wait and see the winner of “Golden Eagle Goddess’ tonight.


New media elite will also gather in the Internet Festival. The bigwigs of Internet industry will appear on site, bringing the testimony for the Internet ceremony as well as fresh and interesting technology to audience and users.


As the finale of the Golden Eagle Festival, the 28th China TV Golden Eagle Awards only selects TV series and sets about 20 awards this time, including the best TV series, excellent TV series, the audience favorite actor and actress and so on. As for the host this year, He Jiong will work together with someone to host the celebration. It is reported that Wu Yifan, Lu Han, Li Yi Feng, TFBOYS will attend the ceremony.


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