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导读:自近代以来,海洋硬实力一直被视为大国博弈的重要指标。近日,美国一作者指出,即使二战后的日本没有正式的海军,其能力仍然是亚洲最强大的,崛起的中国也是难以与之匹敌。你怎么看?The best navy in Asia has a total of 114 wars



The best navy in Asia has a total of 114 warships and 45,800 volunteer personnel. It has a large fleet of fast, powerful destroyers, thoroughly modern diesel-electric attack submarines, and amphibious ships that can haul tanks and other ground forces. It can hunt submarines, square off against invasion fleets, and shoot down enemy ballistic missiles. despite all of that firepower, this is not in fact a navy at all.


Technically, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense force is a “self-defense force” designed to overcome the country’s constitutional limits on armed forces. It is, ship for ship, the best navy in Asia.


The main component of the MSDF are its fleet of forty-six destroyers and frigates—more than that those fielded by the United Kingdom and France combined.


The most powerful of Japan’s surface combatants are the Kongo class of guided-missile destroyers (just two Kongos can protect most of the country.). The four ships—Kongo, Kirishima, Myoko and Chokai—are all named after battleships and cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy, a practice once generally avoided but becoming more popular as the memory of World War II fades.


Another formidable Japanese ship is the JS Izumo. At twenty-seven thousand tons fully loaded and more than eight hundred feet long, Izumo has a full-length flight deck, an island for controlling flight operations, aircraft elevators and a hangar that spans the length of the ship.


While that sounds like a traditional aircraft carrier, Japan insists the ship is actually a “helicopter destroyer.”


Japan’s submarine force is another major component of the MSDF. Japan is building up to a force of twenty-two submarines to against a growing Chinese Navy. The fleet will consist of two classes of submarines, the older Oyashio class, and the newer, deadlier Soryu class.


Finally, Japan has three Osumi-class tank landing ships. The ships resemble small aircraft carriers, with a 130-meter long flight deck stretching the length of the ship.


One final reason why Japan’s navy is the best in Asia? On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck off the coast of northern Japan. Vice Admiral Hiromi Takashima, commandant of the Yokosuka Naval District, immediately assumed temporary command of the entire MSDF and ordered all available ships north to the earthquake zone. The first ship left just forty-five minutes after the earthquake. Another seventeen ships packed with relief supplies departed within eighteen hours.


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