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水果姐Katy Perry任双11全球推广大使

Chinese e-commerce juggernaut Alibaba revealed on Oct. 17 that international pop star Katy Perry would be the global ambassador for upcoming Singles Day, or 11.11the worlds biggest one-day online shopping event. The Amer

水果姐Katy Perry任双11全球推广大使

Chinese e-commerce juggernaut Alibaba revealed on Oct. 17 that international pop star Katy Perry would be the global ambassador for upcoming Singles Day, or “11.11” – the world’s biggest one-day online shopping event. The American superstar will also perform at a gala event in Shenzhen to kick off the shopping festival.

中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴于10月17日透露,国际流行明星Katy Perry将担任即将到来的光棍节(也称“双11”)的全球大使——这是世界上最盛大的为期一天的网上购物活动。这位美国巨星也将在深圳的宴会上表演,从而揭开购物节的序幕。

Katy Perry was chosen because of her choice to “use her music to inspire positivity among her audience.” What’s more, her international profile “perfectly fits the theme of the 11.11 gala,” Alibaba said in a statement.

阿里巴巴在声明中表示,Katy Perry被选为全球大使的原因是她选择“用她的音乐启发观众的积极性”。此外,她的国际形象“十分适合‘双11’狂欢的主题”。

With Perry’s involvement, the e-commerce giant believes the gala will be promoted worldwide and bring attention to China’s largest shopping day of the year. On last year’s Singles Day, Alibaba broke its own previous record with 91.2 billion RMB ($14.3 billion) in sales, according to a Fortune report.


Singles Day was first promoted by Alibaba in 2009. Later, noting the unprecedented sales volume, many other online retailers such as JD.com joined the promotion, turning the festival into an e-commerce battle.


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