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The annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, the worlds largest, has attracted many tourists with its intricate frozen works of art since its opening. Covering an area of 800,000 square meters, the park used a

The annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, the world’s largest, has attracted many tourists with its intricate frozen works of art since its opening. Covering an area of 800,000 square meters, the park used a record 180,000 cubic meters of ice and 150,000 cubic meters of snow this year. A series of ice sculpture competitions will be held to boost the development of ice and snow culture.

一年一度的哈尔滨国际冰雪节是全球最大的冰雪节,自其设立以来,因其复杂多变的冰雕作品吸引了大量的游客。2018年即将开园的哈尔滨冰雪大世界占地800,000 平方米,使用180,000 立方的冰和150,000 的雪造成。届时将举行一系列的冰雕大赛以促进冰雪文化的发展。

The annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, the world’s largest, has attracted many tourists with its intricate frozen works of art since its opening. Covering an area of 800,000 square meters, the park used a record 180,000 cubic meters of ice and 150,000 cubic meters of snow this year. A series of ice sculpture competitions will be held to boost the development of ice and snow culture.

一年一度的哈尔滨国际冰雪节是全球最大的冰雪节,自其设立以来,因其复杂多变的冰雕作品吸引了大量的游客。2018年即将开园的哈尔滨冰雪大世界占地800,000 平方米,使用180,000 立方的冰和150,000 的雪造成。届时将举行一系列的冰雕大赛以促进冰雪文化的发展。

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