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France has marked the first anniversary of the Nice terror attack, which saw 86 people killed and 435 injured when a man drove a truck at high speed through the citys main promenade as people celebrated Bastille Day.Nice

France has marked the first anniversary of the Nice terror attack, which saw 86 people killed and 435 injured when a man drove a truck at high speed through the city’s main promenade as people celebrated Bastille Day.

Nice, one of the most popular destinations in the south of France, suffered a big drop in visitors in the aftermath of the attack, as did Paris following repeated terror attacks. But hotel bookings for both cities have since rebounded, led by a return of tourists from Russia and China.

French president Emmanuel Macron reinforced the message that the struggle against terrorism must be pursued without pause, in an address to the city.

CGTN’s Owen Fairclough reported that the day ended with a candlelit vigil instead of traditional fireworks, a reminder that in Nice, France’s national day this year had a very different tone compared to past years.

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