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Think you love Starbucks coffee? probably not as much as this guy


Heavy rains brought flooding to parts of Hong Kong this week, but that was not enough not to stop one elderly man from enjoying his newspaper and coffee.A photo showing the old man sitting unaffected in a flooded Starbucks outlet in Chai Wan district went viral after TV Most shared it on their Facebook page.

本周暴雨天气导致香港不少地区出现了水浸,但这不足以阻挡一位老伯读报和享用咖啡的心情。照片上这位老伯在香港柴湾一家星巴克喝咖啡,当时商场被洪水涌入,老伯伯的样子却还怡然自得。这张照片经TV Most网站转载至脸书网后,在网络上疯传。

A caption in Chinese on their post read: "Huh? The newspaper said that it would be raining today! But I forgot to bring my umbrella."


The sentiment resonated with Facebook users also tackling the floods, generating more than 18,000 reactions and 1,500 comments.


The moment was captured by Kristy Chan, a 23-year-old medical worker.

老伯喝咖啡的照片是由Kristy Chan拍摄,她今年23岁,从事医疗行业。

She told the BBC she was taking photos to show her family how bad the floods were, and came across the man, seated near the entrance to a mall.


"Of course I didn’t expect it would go viral," Ms Chan said, adding that there were actually many people seated inside the cafe.


"It was quite funny. Maybe he already has that many life experiences so the flood didn’t bother him at all."


The Hong Kong news site also encouraged people to send in their comments and Photoshop designs.


Excited and amused Hong Kongers also shared its picture more than 2,000 times.


"For the price of a Starbucks coffee, you can also experience what it’s like to be in Venice," joked Facebook user James Chan in Hong Kong.

脸书一用户James Chan开玩笑说:“付出星巴克的价钱,你就可以享受威尼斯的风情。”

Another said: "See, it’s just rain - nothing to fear. I’m not ever going to panic about floods again. Just chill like him."



A similar viral story saw this woman in Taiwan, enjoying her pork bun despite Typhoon Megi, celebrated as a hero.


Talk surrounding the picture also spread to mainland China, where amused netizens on popular Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo shared their comments.


"Rain rain go away, this old grandfather can’t have his coffee another day," wrote Weibo user Sze Yun.

微博用户Sze Yun 说,“雨儿雨儿你快停吧。老伯今天要喝咖啡呢。”

"This is a reflection of current Hong Kongers - pretending nothing happens in front of a disaster," said Weibo user Xiaoneng Qijiuxi.

另一用户Xiaoneng Qijiuxi说,“这反应了香港人的心态——在灾难面前就像什么也没发生一样。”

But the best reaction came from Hong Kong netizens, who excitedly showed off their Photoshop skills by re-imagining the elderly coffee lover in hilarious situations.


Some examples included comparisons to the sinking of the Titanic, a tidal wave and a nuclear explosion. Even Jaws made an appearance.


We’ll leave it here.



We’ll call this piece of art ’Old Man and the Sea’



But whatever you do, don’t go in the water!


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