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55岁奥巴马谈社交媒体 被15岁女儿取笑

导读:美国总统奥巴马居然被女儿嘲笑不懂社交媒体?没那么OUT吧。President Barack Obama has disclosed that his youngest daughter recently mocked him on Snapchat.最近,美国总统奥巴马披露,他在手机聊天应用软件 Snapchat (色拉布)


55岁奥巴马谈社交媒体 被15岁女儿取笑

President Barack Obama has disclosed that his youngest daughter recently mocked him on Snapchat.

最近,美国总统奥巴马披露,他在手机聊天应用软件 Snapchat (色拉布)上遭到了小女儿萨莎的取笑。

The US leader said Sasha had recorded him discussing the social network at a family dinner and then quietly posted a reaction to her friends.


It is not the first time the president has discussed his 15-year-old’s online activities.


In July, he said she also tweets, leading several media outlets to try to identify her account.


Messages posted to the app are designed to disappear after being viewed or within a short period of time, but there are ways to circumvent the restrictions.

Snapchat 是一款“阅后即焚”的照片分享应用,这些照片会根据用户所预先设定的时间按时自动销毁。不过还是有方法来突破这个限制。

President Obama recounted the latest event on Monday’s edition of the Jimmy Kimmel Live TV show.


"Sasha gave me instructions on Snapchat," he said.


"One night at dinner we’re sitting there, and I had read that Snapchat was becoming really popular among her age cohort. So, I said: ’So, tell me about Snapchat.’

“有一天我们一起吃晚饭。我先前读到 Snapchat 很受她这个年龄段人的欢迎,所以,我说,‘请你给我讲讲是怎么回事。’”

"So, she starts explaining stuff - you can make little faces on your picture, and this and that and the other.


"And at the end of it, Michelle and I are sitting there. And I said: ’Isn’t this interesting?’


"And I started talking to Michelle about the implications of social media and what all this means.


"[And I] come to find out she was recording us the whole time, and then sent to her friends afterwards: ’This is my dad lecturing us on the meaning of social media.’


"And she took a picture of herself sort of looking bored."


The president added that his wife - who joined Snapchat in June - and his eldest daughter Malia had "loved" the post.


The show’s host, Jimmy Kimmel, joked that the event represented a security breach.


The president also mentioned that his own iPhone was limited to receiving emails and browsing the internet, and would not take photos, play music or make calls.


"My rule has been throughout my presidency, that I assume that someday, some time, somebody will read this email," he said.


"So, I don’t send any email that at some point won’t be on the front page of the newspapers."


President Obama also said that he expected technology to preoccupy his successor.


"One of the biggest challenges... is going to be: how do we continue to get all the benefits of being in cyberspace but protect our finances, protect our privacy?


"How do we balance issues of security? Because people expect the government to monitor this enough to protect them from bad guys.”


"But they worry that if government is in there too much, then who is going to protect them from government?”


"This is going to be a big debate that we’re going to have for a long time."


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  • 美国总统
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