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北京某餐馆菜谱首推炸麻雀 警方突查救千只鸟

导读:果林里,三张粘鸟网相连长达百余米;餐馆里,菜谱上的第一道菜就是炸麻雀正值候鸟迁徙,人类的滥捕滥杀让不少鸟遭灭顶之灾。Over 1,000 wild birds have been rescued by forestry police in Beijing after tip-offs revealed a sch


北京某餐馆菜谱首推炸麻雀 警方突查救千只鸟

Over 1,000 wild birds have been rescued by forestry police in Beijing after tip-offs revealed a scheme by restaurants in the city’s suburbs to cook and serve the birds.


According to the tip-offs, endangered birds were available for purchase at a market in Tongzhou district of the capital city, where they were being sold for up to 100 RMB each. Some shops even took pre-orders, Beijing Morning Post reported.


“You can order whatever kind of bird you want. I will give you a call when the bird is caught, but I can’t guarantee the time,” one vendor said, adding that he has been in this business for a year and has a reliable source for the most desired birds at the market.


Some vendors spoke freely about selling endangered birds, such as falcons. They claimed that the animals were all caught from orchards because some buyers prefer wild birds.


In the city’s Daxing district, several restaurants prominently featured “fried sparrows” on their menus, priced at 50 RMB per dish. Bird-catching nets could also be seen near the villages of Nandi and Nanzhangke, where residents claimed the nets were being used to protect farmland.


A total of 559 venues, including restaurants and markets, were inspected on Oct. 30. A total of 1,067 birds were rescued. At the same time, 36 people were arrested for enaging in illegal activities, according to Beijing forestry police.


Beijing is located on the migration route of birds flying from northern to southern China. The birds usually stay for two months in Beijing before continuing their trip, Beijing Morning Post reported.


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