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导读:三星麻烦不断,最近爆出的三星强迫中国高管下跪求订单事件再次将三星推向风口浪尖,那么事件经过到底是怎样的呢?Chinese executives of Samsung Electronics got down on their knees to request more orders from dealers during



Chinese executives of Samsung Electronics got down on their knees to request more orders from dealers during a meeting in Shijiazhuang. This extreme action has stirred online debate over the now-controversial brand, further damaging its already tarnished reputation in China.


On Oct. 29, an Internet user named “Bulaodelaohui” posted a picture of several people kneeling on a stage with Samsung’s logo. The photo’s accompanying information claimed that the group was Samsung’s Chinese executives, who were forced to kneel down and beg for orders. The user criticized Samsung, accusing the company of disrespecting Chinese culture and its Chinese employees.


The post soon went viral on Chinese social media. The hashtag “SamsungMakesChineseKneelForSales” has garnered over 1.9 million page views on Sina Weibo as of press time, with most comments condemning the company’s behavior as “an inhuman insult.”


“Despite the scandal of the Note 7 battery explosion, many dealers have shown their support for Samsung by ordering [our products], which has moved Samsung’s Korean executives. They knelt down to show their gratitude. Their Chinese counterparts were touched by the scene and also knelt down,” a press officer from Samsung China told Thepaper.cn on Oct. 30, adding that the incident happened during a regional ordering meeting in Shijiazhuang.

10月30日,三星中国一名新闻官向澎湃新闻表示说这一事件发生在石家庄一场地区订货晚宴上,他说道:“尽管三星发生了Note 7电池爆炸的丑闻,但是许多经销商已经通过订购我们的产品来表达对三星的支持,这使得三星的韩国高管们深受感动。因此韩国高管们下跪来表达他们的感激之情。其他的中国高管是因为被韩国高管的行为所感动,所以才跟着下跪的。”

Kneeling in Korean culture is a gesture of gratitude and respect. The Korean executives don’t know the cultural connotation of kneeling in China, the officer added.


“Kneeling in Chinese culture is an expression of submission and reverence, and we only kneel before our ancestors. Samsung’s apology really disgusted me; this is China, and they should use the Chinese way of apologizing,” one Internet user commented.


The Samsung Chinese executives could not be reached for comment as of press time. It is not clear if Samsung demanded that the executives kneel, or if the executives simply chose to do so.


The recent recall of the fire-prone Galaxy Note 7 cut Samsung’s mobile business earnings 96 percent year-on-year in the third quarter of 2016, down to 100 billion won ($87.6 million), the lowest level in nearly eight years, according to the company’s latest quarterly report.

据三星最新季度报告显示,由于手机起火问题,三星对Note 7手机进行了召回,这使得今年第三季度三星手机业务的收入同比去年暴跌了96%,只有1000亿韩元(约合8760万美元),是近8年来的最低水平。

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