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气温接近冰点 然而供暖还有两周 网友高呼:没有供暖的日子我要死

导读:北京气温已然接近冰点,但是供暖还要再等两周,不少市民都表示宝宝心里苦,呼吁修改供暖时间,今年提前供暖。On Oct. 30 and 31, northern China was hit by a cold spell. With the lowest temperatures in Beijing recorded at mi


气温接近冰点 然而供暖还有两周 网友高呼:没有供暖的日子我要死

On Oct. 30 and 31, northern China was hit by a cold spell. With the lowest temperatures in Beijing recorded at minus 3 degrees Celsius, many residents expressed distress at having to wait another two weeks before the government begins to provide central heating. Calls are already being made for the provision of central heating to come earlier than scheduled.


In most part of northern China, the government begins to provide central heating from Nov. 15, and the heating ends on March 15 the following year. This standard was established in the 1970s on the basis of a heating subsidy policy formulated in the 1950s. However, some believe that this standard - influenced by various social and economic factors - is outdated today.


Thanks to China’s rapid economic development, more and more people are enjoying a better quality of life. Being able to avoid the cold even in early winter has become a basic requirement of the masses. Moreover, China currently possesses an aging society. according to one survey, the number of elderly people in China now exceeds 200 million, 52 percent of which live in urban areas. This is a population that suffers disproportionately when central heating is not available.


According to the National climate Center, the equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean has been under the influence of La Ni?a since August. In China, La Ni?a is likely to cause lower-than-average temperatures all winter. Statistics show that since 1954, more than 80 percent of winters in the years affected by La Ni?a recorded abnormally low temperatures. Since climate monitoring offers a clear verdict in this regard, it is clearly time to adjust the heating schedule in accordance with climate trends.


Promises to pay attention to the well-being of the masses should be more than empty words. Instead, relevant departments should actively respond to the people’s needs, and come up with a practical solution as soon as possible.


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