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80岁中国老鲜肉的T台秀 迷倒了一片老外

This Chinese grandfather is breaking fashion stereotypes one step at a time. Literally. Wang Deshun is a 80-year-old actor and artist.这位中国老爷爷颠覆了人们对时尚呆板、一成不变的印象。事实上,王德顺是一位80岁的演员、同

This Chinese grandfather is breaking fashion stereotypes one step at a time. Literally. Wang Deshun is a 80-year-old actor and artist.


Last year, at 79, he walked the runway for the first time, his physique at his age causing a nationalsensation. He takes obvious joy in subverting China’s image of what it means to be old.


Grandpa, you’re my idol!” one admirer wrote on Mr. Wang’s Weibo social media account, one of thousands of such comments.


Before cranking up the techno at his 80th birthday party, the man known as China’s hottest grandpa paused from his D.J. duties to poke fun at the staid traditional celebrations for the elderly in a country that venerates old age.


"I should wear a long robe, with the word ‘longevity’ embroidered on the front,” the birthday boy, Wang Deshun, said at his party in September. Far from looking old and frail, the silver-haired actor, model and artist wore a crisp white shirt and black jeans, his back straight and his eyes glittering with humor.


People can change their life as many times as they wish,” he said. Having a goal is important, which is why he constantly learns new things.


“Being mentally healthy means you know what you’re going to do,” he said. “For example, a vegetable vendor, when he wakes up, he has a goal, he works hard. And when he finishes, he feels fulfilled.”


For Mr. Wang, fulfillment comes in many forms: acting, modeling, exercising and creating art.


And one day soon, he said, parachuting. That’s the plan.


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