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导读:中国农村留守儿童超过6100万,其中大约900万的孩子一年都见不到父母。为此,国家出台了一系列政策关爱留守儿童。China has vowed to reunite families and return dropouts to school after publishing its first comprehensive stu



China has vowed to reunite families and return dropouts to school after publishing its first comprehensive study on left-behind children.


Following a door-to-door survey that began in March, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said that 9.02 million children age 16 or under have been left in the countryside by migrant worker parents.


The research found that more than 90 percent of them are growing up without either parent and are in the care of grandparents, friends or relatives. An additional 360,000 have no guardian.


Huang Shuxian, the new minister of civil affairs, who chaired a multi-department meeting on Wednesday, offered three solutions to ease the problem: encouraging parents to return to the family home; giving previously unregistered children hukou, the household registration that gives them access to healthcare, education and social welfare; and getting the 16,000 children who have dropped out of school back into the classroom next semester.


Yang Jiucheng, 42, has been running a service for left-behind children in Shaanxi province’s Pingli county. Most parents in that region go to big cities to find work. Paid by parents, Yang offers food and housing to children and makes sure they stay in school during the daytime.


"These parents can earn several thousand yuan a month in cities, but when they come home, their income drops to 1,000 yuan ($150) or so. How can they feed their children this way?" Yang said. "We need something more concrete, to give them space to do business or get better jobs back home."


In February, the state Council issued a national guideline to governments at all levels on how to better help left-behind children and said that by 2020, the number of left-behind children must be significantly reduced.


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