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中国意外捕获美潜航器 特朗普发推挑事

导读:近日,中国海船在南海捕获一艘无人水下潜航器,经证实为美国所有。中国国防部已同意将其移交至美国。可是,总统当选人特朗普再发推文针对中国,并扬言,潜航器不要了。WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - United States President-elect Donald


中国意外捕获美潜航器 特朗普发推挑事

WASHINGTON (REUTERS) - United States President-elect Donald Trump continued to take jabs at China on Twitter on Saturday (Dec 17) after Beijing agreed to give back an underwater US drone it seized this week.

路透社华盛顿电 12月17日星期六,美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普在推特上再次对中国采取攻势,而此前北京同意归还中国于本周捕获的一艘美国潜航器。

"We should tell China that we don’t want the drone they stole back - let them keep it!" Trump tweeted.


The Pentagon went public with its complaint after the action and said on Saturday it had secured a deal to get the drone back.


“Through direct engagement with Chinese authorities, we have secured an understanding that the Chinese will return the UUV to the United States,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement.


China’s Defence Ministry said a Chinese naval vessel discovered a piece of “unidentified equipment” and checked it to prevent any navigational safety issues before discovering it was a US drone.


“China decided to return it to the US side in an appropriate manner, and China and the US have all along been in communication about it,” the ministry said on its website.


“During this process, the US side’s unilateral and open hyping up is inappropriate, and is not beneficial to the smooth resolution of this issue. We express regret at this,” it added


Trump, a Republican who takes office on Jan 20, had waded into the dispute on Twitter early on Saturday from his seaside resort club in Florida, where he plans to spend the holidays.


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