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导读:圣诞节应该是一年中最温暖幸福的时刻,然而在捷克等一些欧洲国家,圣诞节是孩子的噩梦。平安夜会有人装扮成半羊半魔鬼的样子,不听话的孩子将受到惩罚,不想受罚的话则要给魔鬼唱歌跳舞。Christmas is supposed to be a peaceful an



Christmas is supposed to be a peaceful and joyous time of year with festivities filled with love and kindness. But this frightening tradition that terrifies children in parts of Europe smashes all of the warm and fuzzy feelings associated with the holidays.


Every year in countries such as the Czech Republic naughty boys and girls are visited by Saint Nicholas and the devil. The evil figure carries a stick and is tasked with punishing children who have misbehaved over the past year - although his presence alone is enough to scare them straight.


Footage from the Czech Republic shows the unlikely pair of Saint Nicholas and the devil, given the nickname Bertik, visiting a home in the run-up to Christmas. Young children are left in hysterics as they cower under their beds and run to their parents in a bid to get away.


While Saint Nicholas gives his attention to good boys and girls, the devil warns the "bad kids" they could be put in his sack and taken to hell. Children are forced to entertain the devil with a song or dance, but they’re often too terrified to make a move.


Similar traditions occur in a number of European countries, and the most common form is Krampus, a Christmas goat-demon which punishes naughty children. The terrifying horned beast with long dark hair and fangs, and carries a stick to swat the kids who haven’t been nice.


He will even lick them with his evil snake tongue. The mythical creature was born in Austrian folklore and even has his own parade in countries such as Germany, Croatia and Slovenia.


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  • 世界上 圣诞节
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