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导读:时间如白驹过隙,转眼又是一年。那么,今年全球发生了哪些大事呢?一起来了解下吧!1. Gravitational waves detected, voice of space heard by humans for first time1.引力波被证明确实存在,人类首听宇宙之声On Feb. 11, the Nat



1. Gravitational waves detected, "voice of space" heard by humans for first time


On Feb. 11, the National science Foundation (NSF) announced the detection of gravitational waves. In June, scientists declared again that they had clearly detected gravitational waves -- a significant physics milestone.


2. Refugee crisis in Europe continued, populism rose


The huge influx of refugees has caused social issues in a number of European countries, prompting members of the EU to tighten refugee policies. In May, the EU Council allowed some countries within the Schengen Area to extend internal border control. In October, the European Commission proposed extending the measure. In December, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi resigned after a major constitutional referendum failed. Meanwhile, populist parties such as the National Front in France and the Alternative for Germany are gaining popularity around Europe.


3. Britain voted to leave EU


Over half of British voters voiced their preference to leave the EU in a June referendum, and Britain’s prime minister resigned shortly thereafter. The country will officially start working toward Brexit before March 2017.


4. South Korea, the U.S., North Korea and Japan made momentous decisions, adding to security concerns in northeast Asia


In July, South Korea announced plans to deploy THAAD (Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense). Before and after that, North Korea conducted two nuclear tests. Since March, Japan has implemented new security laws and passed a new version of the Defense White Paper to boost the operational and geographical scope of Japan’s forces oversea, which means Japan has abandoned its pacifist constitution.


5. China resolutely safeguarded international rule of law, South China Sea arbitration farce came to an end


From the beginning, China always opposed the South China Sea arbitration launched by the Philippines. China’s stance won understanding and support from nearly 120 countries and 240 political parties. During Phillippines president Duterte’s visit to China in October, the two countries reached a consensus to solve the South China Sea dispute through negotiation.


6. Fresh global terrorist attacks raised concerns


On July 14, at least 84 people were killed in a terrorist attack in Nice, France. On Dec. 19, the Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated. Terrorist attacks have plagued many countries this year, including Belgium, Turkey and Egypt. At the same time, anti-extremism wars are ongoing in Iraq and Syria.


7. G20 summit a success in Hangzhou, China contributed to global governance


The Group of 20 (G20) summit was held in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou from Sept. 4-5. At the summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for the establishment of an innovative, open, interconnected and inclusive world economy, clearly enumerating China’s view on global economic governance. The G20 summit facilitated pioneering achievements in economic innovation and financial governance, promoting international trade and investment and pushing forward development.


8. RMB included in special drawing Rights (SDR) basket by IMF, ascending to heart of global finance


On Oct. 1, the RMB officially joined the SDR basket for the first time, in a landmark recognition of China’s increased role in the global economy.


9. Paris agreement took effect, offering legal basis for global climate governance


The Paris Agreement, which officially took effect on Nov. 4, is seen as a new chapter in the fight to tackle climate change. The agreement provides a firm legal basis for global actions aimed at solving climate issues.


10. Donald Trump elected next U.S. president, polarizing citizens


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump beat his rival, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, to claim the 45th U.S. presidency. Trump’s campaign exacerbated political divisions, which reflected the plight of social segregation in American politics.


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