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习近平向党外人士致以新春祝福Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday sent greetings to figures outside the Communist Party of China (CPC) ahead of the traditional Chinese lunar new year.Chinese President Xi Jinping on W


Chinese president Xi Jinping on Wednesday sent greetings to figures outside the Communist Party of China (CPC) ahead of the traditional Chinese lunar new year.

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday sent greetings to figures outside the Communist Party of China (CPC) ahead of the traditional Chinese lunar new year.

Xi, along with Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, gathered on Wednesday afternoon with leaders of China's eight democratic parties, the chairman of the All-China Federation of industry and Commerce, and representatives of members without party affiliation.

Representing the non-communist members, Chen Zhu, chairman of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, said the eight democratic parties will stand closely with the CPC, supporting reforms of the country with bigger contributions. He also made suggestions on strengthening supervision of non-communist members.

Xi later said the CPC, firmly relying on the people, including non-communist members, defeated various challenges and difficulties in the last year and achieved outstanding results. He voiced appreciation for non-communist members and members of the United Front for helping construct a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

The president expressed hope that all the non-communist members can make further contributions this year, in coordination and cooperation with the CPC.

Deliberative democracy is an important part of the socialist democratic system of China, and also an important decision-making measure for the ruling CPC, said Xi, urging all CPC departments and cadres to take an open-minded attitude to cooperation with non-communist members, and facilitate them playing bigger roles in political activities.

He also urged non-communist parties to improve their capabilities in taking part in politics and their organization and leadership.

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  • 党外人士
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