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导读:如果有一天你的领导告诉你,你的工作和升职都和献血多少有关,你会不会懵了?中国的血液市场究竟有多黑?Employers and hospitals are coercing people into donating blood as the government strives to meet growing demand, wor



Employers and hospitals are coercing people into "donating" blood as the government strives to meet growing demand, workers and patients’ relatives claim.


Shen Yishi (pseudonym) told that public institutions in Zhangjiagang, East China’s Jiangsu Province are forcing their employees to "donate" blood by threatening that their annual work evaluation will be negatively affected if they do not comply.


This can affect many aspects of their career, including their chances of getting a promotion in future.


Shen, a public employee in the city, said that every firm has a blood donation target, which affects their annual evaluation. "Blood donation is a good thing which should be encouraged. But it is weird to make it mandatory."


An employee of the Zhangjiagang health and family planning commission told thepaper.cn that they have set the targets to make government organs play a leading role in donating blood. "No one has ever expressed any disapproval of the donation target. Every institution has been engaging actively," said the employee.


Zhou Min, vice chief of the Red Cross Blood center told thepaper.cn that Zhangjiagang has set blood donation targets for around six years. However, Zhou said that the targets are only assigned to some government institutions and are not technically mandatory.


In 2013, the Jiangsu government said 18 percent of an institution’s workers must donate blood if it is to be classed as a "civilized unit," the Xinhua News agency reported.


China faced serious "blood crisis" during the beginning of 2016, which according to experts hit 50 out of 70 major cities on the mainland since February, and 80 per cent of operations had to be postponed in some hospitals due to a lack of blood, said the China Newsweek.


Illegal blood dealers can easily be found at government-run donor centers and they pay high rates to secure supplies, the report said, adding that some dealers earn more than 1 million yuan ($145,000) a year.


The sale of blood is banned and people convicted of dealing blood can face up to five years in jail, according to the law on blood donation.


The blood dealers usually take blood in unhygienic conditions and with few checks on donors’ medical history.


Often, disposable syringes are used repeatedly, which increases the risk of infection by blood-borne transmission viruses such as HIV.


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