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百度与小鱼在家联合推出人工智能数字助理 亮相2017CES

导读:在2017年国际消费电子展(CES)上,百度推出了一款人工智能数字助理小鱼在家视频对讲机器人。Chinese search giant Baidu has unveiled an AI digital assistant.中国搜索引擎巨头百度发布了一款人工智能数字助理。Xiaoyu Zaijia - or


百度与小鱼在家联合推出人工智能数字助理 亮相2017CES

Chinese search giant Baidu has unveiled an AI digital assistant.


Xiaoyu Zaijia - or Little Fish - responds to voice commands using a combination of pictures, text and speech. Unlike many rival AIs it is dependant on a touchscreen.


It can answer questions, find local services, play music, make video calls and control smart home devices.


Baidu Chief Scientist Andrew Ng said that artificial intelligence is "the new electricity".

百度首席技术官Andrew Ng表示,人工智能是一项“新的电学革命”。

"AI has been growing steadily " he told the BBC at the CES tech show in Las Vegas.

“人工智能技术一直在稳步增长。”在拉斯维加斯举办的2017国际消费类电子展(CES)上,Andrew Ng告诉BBC。

"Those of us on the inside feel the acceleration now but we have been feeling it for the last decade.


"Just as 100 years ago the electrification of our society transformed industry after industry, I think AI tech has now reached that stage."


Little Fish’s hardware has been developed by Chinese robotics firm Ainemo Inc but uses Baidu’s AI operating system DuerOS.


Existing digital assistants such as the Amazon’s Alexa and Google assistant are not screen-dependant but can be used by voice alone. Apple’s Siri, however, continues to rely on a display to provide some of its information.

当前市场上的一些数字助理 ,比如亚马逊的Alexa和谷歌助理并不带有摄像头,只能用声音对话。不过,苹果的Siri仍是依靠显示器提供一些信息。

Little Fish will launch initially in China in March 2017 and currently only recognises Chinese languages. Baidu has not yet set a price.

" 小鱼在家 " 视频对讲机器人预计最初将于今年 3 月在中国推出,目前只能识别中文。百度尚未确定其售价。

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  • 人工智能
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