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导读:格莱美颁奖典礼制作人发声:鼓励明星在获奖感言中大胆谈论政治话题,你怎么看?In a fraught moment of political protest across the country, the live mic at televised award shows has become a potent weapon.在政治抗议遍及全



In a fraught moment of political protest across the country, the live mic at televised award shows has become a potent weapon.


As such, Grammy Awards producer Ken Ehrlich has a message for those who will take the stage on Sunday’s ceremony: bring it on.

同样,格莱美颁奖典礼制作人Ken Ehrlich向那些将要在周日登台的明星门喊话,可以带着自己的政治观点来。

Ehrlich has no reservations about political messages or anti-President Trump statements flying during CBS’ three and a half hour Grammycast. Artists expressing passionate opinions about real-life issues are the stuff of memorable moments, he said.


“One of the tenets of our show is artistic freedom, and over the years we’ve shown we do believe in it,” Ehrlich told Variety. “How many more times do we need to hear ‘I’d like to thank my publicist, my agent, my wife and kids.’ The great acceptance speeches are ones that have a point of view and are more personal.”


The only guidelines on speech that Ehrlich has to keep an eye (and ear) on is profanity. But almost everything else is fair game.


“One of the things I’ve learned from working with artists for 40 years is that they are deep-thinking, vital individuals who have interests that cover a broad spectrum of subjects and passions,” he said. “We should certainly allow for it on the broadcast.”


In 2014, rapper Macklemore was given a big showcase for his plea to end homophobia and misogny in hip-hop. The following year, the Grammycast focused on the problem of rape on college campuses, giving a rape survivor chance to address the audience.


Ehrlich, who is in his 37th year of producing the Grammys and just extended his deal through 2020, emphasized that those segments would not have happened without the support of the Recording Academy. The high-wire act of producing a live telecast with so many forceful personalities hinges on the trust built up over many years.


“This is a real team,” Ehrlich said. “We all work on a lot of shows, but I’d like to think when we come together every year for this one, it’s really special.”


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