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有钱任性:梅西嫌邻居太吵 直接买下邻居房子

导读:球王梅西,在自己遭受经济衰退重创时获得了一所房子,拒绝接收后被房主出租,现在因嫌邻居太吵,于是重新收入自己囊中。Lionel Messi thought his were the worst, according to a report by Diario Gol, so he went all Mark Zucke


有钱任性:梅西嫌邻居太吵 直接买下邻居房子

Lionel Messi thought his were the worst, according to a report by Diario Gol, so he went all Mark Zuckerberg and bought them out. only rather than let his neighbors stay in the houses he now controlled, Messi made them go away.

莱昂内尔·梅西认为他的邻居是最糟糕的,根据Diario Gol 的报道,他去找Mark Zukerberg,并买下了他们的房子。与其让邻居呆在房子里,倒不如现在有了控制权,梅西把他们赶走了。

Actually, it’s a tad more complicated than that – if we’re even understanding the story right from the shoddy translation.


Messi and his family currently live in the Pedralbes neighborhood of Barcelona, tucked up against the hills. But he also owns a house in the Castelldefels suburb, which he’s fixing up. His brother Rodrigo is apparently overseeing the renovations for him.


The lot of the new house will apparently take up almost an entire block in one of the swanky town’s best parts. Now that the houses next door have been bought up for about a million euros, that is.


Apparently, the houses were offered to Messi when the owners got hit hard by the recession, but he declined. So instead, the owners rented out their houses. But the new tenants are, per the Diario Gol story “nosy,” “rude” and “play loud music.”

显然,这所房子是梅西在遭受经济衰退重创时得到的那所,但他当时拒绝了。取而代之,房主将房子出租了出去。但新住户,就像Diaro gol报道的有 “吵闹”,“粗鲁”以及“巨大的音乐声”等现象。

Apparently, the Messis first set about building a wall to shield them from the two other houses. But the neighbors complained that zoning issues prohibited such a structure and threatened a lawsuit.


And so Messi bought the houses after all, to ensure peace and quiet once his family moves into their refurbished “estate.”

于是 ,为了确保当他的家人住进新“房产”时有一个安静和谐的环境,梅西就把房子买了。

Messi now apparently has his eye on a third house on the block, which would increase his footprint to about two acres. They’ll knock down the wall and fix up the other houses – presumably as guest residences.


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