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2017香港金像奖提名完整名单 谁将斩获影帝影后

导读:近日,第36届香港电影金像奖公布了入围名单,想知道入围的电影都有哪些吗?据悉,《七月与安生》获得了多个奖项的提名。《美人鱼》《寒战2》等也纷纷入选。接下来我们一起来看看入围名单吧!The nominations for the 36th Hong Kong


2017香港金像奖提名完整名单 谁将斩获影帝影后

The nominations for the 36th Hong Kong Film Awards are in, and it’s going to drop a few surprises.


On Tuesday, nominations for the 36th Hong Kong Film Awards were announced shortly before the start of the 41st Hong Kong International Film Festival. The awards will be held on April 9 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.


This year, first-time nominees are taking the spotlight, with the likes of Gordon Lam, Richie Jen , Shawn Yue , and Francis Ng being nominated for Best Actor for the first time in their career. They will be competing against award-winning Tony Leung Ka-fai for the Film King award.


Francis Ng, nominated for his exceptionally versatile performance in Shed Skin Papa , said, “I am thankful that I got this opportunity to portray a 19 year old to a 79 year old. I enjoyed it! I am also thankful for receiving [a nomination] that exceeded all of my expectations. The filming process was stressful. Makeup took four hours a day, filming took 14, and then I had only 12 days to lose 20 pounds. Being young is hard!”


Gordon Lam, who won Best Actor at the Hong Kong Film Critics Society award for his performance in Trivisa, expressed, “I’m so happy! This prove that my efforts have not gone to waste! I’m even happier that Richie, Philip [Keung], and our film crew are nominated as well. Congratulations!”


Gordon’s costar Richie Jen, who is currently in the United States, responded to his nomination via phone, “My last HKFA nomination was when I was 17 years old. I was nominated for Best New Performer. I did not expect this.”


Mad World actor Shawn Yue , also a first-time nominee, said, “I’ve receiving many blessings from friends, family, and colleagues. Eric Tsang was the first person to call me. Thank you everyone!”


Soul Mate directed by Derek Tsang, received a total of 12 nominations, including Best Actress for both Zhou Dongyu and Sandra Ma. Both won Best Actress at 53rd Golden Horse Awards held in Taiwan last November, a first in the ceremony’s history. Zhou Dongyu also won Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Award this year for the same performance.


Dongyu and Sandra are grateful for the recognition. Both first-time nominees of HKFA, the Soul Mate stars humbly said they do not expect to win at the HKFA. “I’m already very happy that we got a nomination,” said Dongyu.


Check out the list of HKFA nominees below!


Best Film


“Soul Mate”


“The Mermaid”


“Cold War II”




“Weeds on Fire”


Best Director


Stephen Chow for “The Mermaid”

周星驰 《美人鱼》

Derek Tsang for “Soul Mate”

曾国祥 《七月与安生》

Johnnie To for “Three”

杜琪峰 《三人行》

Wong Chun for “Mad World”

黄进 《一念无明》

Frank Hui, Jevons Au, and Vicky Wong for “Trivisa”


Best Actor


Francis Ng for “Shed Skin Papa”

吴镇宇 《脱皮爸爸》

Tony Leung Ka-fai for “Cold War II”

梁家辉 《寒战2》

Richie Jen for “Trivisa”

任贤齐 《树大招风》

Gordon Lam for “Trivisa”

林家栋 《树大招风》

Shawn Yue for “Mad World”

余文乐 《一念无明》

Best Actress


Kara Hui for “Happiness”

惠英红 《幸运是我》

Zhou Dongyu for “Soul Mate”

周冬雨 《七月与安生》

Sandra Ma for “Soul Mate”

马思纯 《七月与安生》

Nina Paw for “Show Me Your Love”

鲍起静 《大手牵小手》

Tang Wei for “Book of Love”

汤唯 《北京遇上西雅图2》

Best Supporting Actor


Ng Mang-tat for “The Menu”

吴孟达 《导火新闻线》

Paul Chun for “Book of Love”

秦沛 《北京遇上西雅图2》

Philip Keung for “Trivisa”

姜皓文 《树大招风》

Liu Kai-chi for “Weeds on Fire”

廖启智 《点五步》

Eric Tsang for “Mad World”

曾志伟 《一念无明》

Best Supporting Actress


Kitty Zhang for “The Mermaid”

张雨绮 《美人鱼》

Janice Man for “Cold War II”

文咏珊 《寒战2》

Fish Liew for “Sisterhood”

廖子妤 《骨妹》

Charmaine Fong for “Mad World”

方皓玟 《一念无明》

Elaine Jin for “Mad World”

金燕玲 《一念无明》

Best New Performer


James Ng for “Happiness”

吴素坤 《幸运是我》

Jelly Lin for “The Mermaid”

林允儿 《美人鱼》

Jennifer Yu for “Sisterhood”

余香凝 《骨妹》

Tony Wu for “Weeds on Fire”

胡子彤 《点五步》

Hedwig Tam for “Weeds on Fire”

谈善言 《点五步》

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