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导读:听惯了熬夜伤身的说法?最近一项研究却指出熬夜的人更聪明。Is there any worse feeling than waking up late?还有什么比起床晚了更糟糕的吗?Whether its your mom screaming for you to wake up or your iPhone buzzing with mess



Is there any worse feeling than waking up late?


Whether it’s your mom screaming for you to wake up or your iPhone buzzing with messages from work, there’s no worse way to experience the light of day than with a swelling pit at the bottom of your stomach that drops at the moment of consciousness.


The worst part is, you can’t justify your actions. You want to tell your mom why you’re so tired — because you stayed up till 2 am reading the most fascinating book.


But you know she’ll stop you at 2 am. That’s all she’ll hear. She’ll scold you for staying up late, threaten to take away your computer and tell you to start going to bed earlier.


The same will happen with your boss. You can’t explain that you were late for the third time this month because you were researching the life of an earthworm. People don’t want to hear your “excuses.” They want you to get your shit together.


And that’s pretty much how life’s been so far. Yet you keep staying up and keep sleeping in. No matter how bad you feel during the day or how many jobs you’ll lose, you’ll continue to bask under the moonlight. It’s not in your nature to turn off the light.


To you, there’s nothing to wake up for but so much to stay awake through. That’s when your ideas happen, your bursts of energy explode and your moments of peace come over you: when there are no distractions, no plans and no obstacles in your way but the expanding horizon of light.


That’s also why you’re smarter. according to research published in The Huffington Post, those who deviate from the normal sleep schedule are considered more intelligent. This finding is supported by research suggesting that those who create new evolutionary patterns (compared to those who stick with the normal patterns developed by our ancestors) are the most progressive.


It makes sense. After all, those who are the first to change (to seek out novelty) are always the most progressive and intelligent in a society. And according to researchers at the university of Madrid, after analyzing the sleeping patterns of 1,000 students, they found that those who went to bed later (and consequently woke up later) scored higher on inductive reasoning tests, a test normally associated with general intelligence.


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