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导读:韩国闹得沸沸扬扬的闺蜜干政门终于要在明日尘埃落定,等待朴槿惠和所有韩国民众的结局会是?SEOULSouth Koreas Constitutional Court will deliver its decision Friday in the sensational impeachment case against President Par



SEOUL — South Korea’s Constitutional court will deliver its decision Friday in the sensational impeachment case against president Park Geun-hye, who’s at the center of a bribery scandal that has shocked a country all too familiar with corruption.


If the court removes Park from office, she will make history again. Not only will she have been South Korea’s first female president, she will also become South Korea’s first president to be impeached.


But if the court reinstates her, it will generate a mass outpouring of anger from a public fed up with the corruption between the political and business elite, a system that is seen as holding ordinary people down.


The stakes could hardly be higher.


“This is the biggest political shock we’ve experienced since 1987,” said Kang Won-taek, a professor of political science at Seoul National University, referring to the huge uprising that brought democracy to South Korea. “This is a very symbolic moment for us.” Kang expects the court to force the president out of office.


The court has been hearing evidence for 10 weeks on the case, considering whether to uphold the motion passed by the National Assembly in December — with an overwhelming majority — to impeach her.


Since then, more explosive allegations have emerged, with special prosecutors this week saying they recommend a total of 13 charges against the president, including abuse of power and receiving bribes.


The case revolves around Park and her lifelong friend, Choi Soon-sil, who held no official position but turned out to wield huge influence over the president, much more than her official advisers and ministers.


Choi is accused of extracting bribes from big business — Samsung alone is accused of giving her $37 million — in return for using her relationship with the president to ensure favorable treatment for the companies.


Samsung’s de facto head, Lee Jae-yong, went on trial Thursday on a range of charges including bribery, embezzlement and perjury, and Choi has been on trial for months. Both strongly deny any wrongdoing.


Park has also steadfastly denied any wrongdoing through the whole process, but special counsel investigating the case have paved the way for laying charges against her once she leaves office and loses her immunity from prosecution.


In a damning 101-page report released this week, the special counsel said the president colluded with Choi and recommended charges including abuse of power, coercing donations and sharing state secrets. Park refused to be questioned during the investigation and declined to appear before the court.


But even if she is removed from office, this won’t be the end of the saga that has seemed straight from the script of a melodramatic Korean soap opera. Protests are likely, and new elections must be held within 60 days.


The Constitutional Court has been racing against the clock to make its decision. The chief justice retired as scheduled in January, taking the number of judges on the bench down to eight, and the acting chief justice finishes her term on Monday, creating a deadline for their decision. The agreement of six judges is required for a ruling.


Whatever the outcome on Friday, there will be a large group of unhappy Koreans taking to the streets to protest the decision.


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