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导读:英国威廉王子和他的妻子凯特在17日和18日访问巴黎,这是在威廉的母亲戴安娜在巴黎车祸中死亡20周年之前几个月正式访问巴黎。Britains Prince William and his wife Kate will pay an official visit to Paris on Friday and Saturda



Britain’s Prince William and his wife Kate will pay an official visit to Paris on Friday and Saturday, months before the 20th anniversary of the death of William’s mother Diana in a car crash in the French capital.


The second-in-line to the throne and his spouse will meet president Francois Hollande and launch a initiative called “Les Voisins” (The Neighbours) designed to foster closer relations between the two countries at a time when Britain is set to begin the formal process of leaving the European Union.

这位第二顺序的王位继承人和他的妻子将和法国总统奥朗德会晤,并发起一项名为 “Les Voisins”(邻居)的倡议,目的是在英国准备启动脱离欧洲联盟的正式程序之际,让双边关系更加紧密。

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will also host a black-tie dinner at the British Embassy and attend a Six Nations rugby match between France and Wales at the national stadium on Saturday.

剑桥公爵夫妇也将于英国驻法大使馆举行正式晚宴,并将在国家体育馆观赏橄榄球六国锦标赛(Six Nations)法国对威尔士之役。

It will be the 34-year-old prince’s first engagement as patron of the Welsh Rugby Union since taking over the role from his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.


The couple will be travelling without their children, three-year-old George and one-year-old Charlotte.


Although no official commemoration is planned during the trip, it will be impossible to escape the poignancy of Diana’s eldest son visiting the city where she died on August 31, 1997.


William was just 15 and his brother Harry 12 when their mother and her boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed were killed after the Mercedes in which they were passengers crashed in a tunnel in central Paris as it was being pursued at high speed by press photographers.


Their French chauffeur Henri Paul, who was later found to be over the legal blood alcohol limit, also died.


To mark the 20th anniversary of her death, the princes announced earlier this year they were setting up a committee to raise funds to pay for a statue of Diana, who was known as the Princess of Wales, to be erected in the public gardens of Kensington Palace in London, where she lived.


William and Kate are also to visit to Germany and Poland in July.


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