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导读:女儿4岁时,因罕见疾病不幸去世,她将女儿的骨灰盒放在女孩常坐的汽车座椅上,并拍下了照片,感动了无数人。When Sarah Walton needed to transport her deceased 4-year-old daughters ashes from the funeral home, she put them



When Sarah Walton needed to transport her deceased 4-year-old daughter’s ashes from the funeral home, she put them in the only logical place she could think of: the little girl’s car seat.


Ellie Walton died in January from a rare brain tumor. She endured 17 surgeries, 14 of them brain surgeries, in her short life.


Sarah Walton "wasn’t sure" why she photographed the temporary urn in the car seat, but she’s received such an outpouring of support since she posted it on the Facebook page Prayers for Ellie Walton that she hopes it’s raising awareness about pediatric cancer.


Currently, 4 percent of cancer research funding goes to pediatric cancer.


"It’s been two months of pure torture, agony, and despair," Walton wrote. "All I want back is our daily life, whatever they entailed, I want it back. I want hospital visits back, and chemo back, I want your laughter, and your joyous heart back. The things that brought my heart so much pain, only a few months ago, I so desperately want back today."


Walton told ABC News that she never wants another mother to go through this.

沃尔顿告诉ABC News, 她希望其他的母亲不要再经历所有这一切。


But posting about Ellie, Walton told ABC News, also helps her cope with her daughter’s loss. "I love to talk about her and have people remember her. I love to hear about her and I love to talk about her."

但是通过将艾利的故事发布在网上,沃尔顿告诉ABC News,很好的帮助她缓解了失去女儿的痛苦。“我喜欢谈论她也希望人们能够记住她。我喜欢听到关于她的事情也喜欢谈论她。”

Ellie wore sunglasses everywhere she went, her mother said. "But she always wore them upside down. Even when I put them on her the right way she turned them around." She also loved animals, especially dinosaurs, and pickles.


"She was the kind of kid who would have brain surgery on a Monday and by Tuesday she wanted to leave the hospital so she could get a Slurpee," her mother told ABC News. "She lit up a room. She was very outgoing and spoke to every person."

“她是那种在周一做了脑部手术,周二就想出院喝思乐冰的女孩,”她的妈妈告诉ABC News。“她的乐观能感染每一个人。她很外向,会和每一个人交谈。”

The outpouring of love on the family’s Facebook page has been tremendous. "Awareness is about funding, of course," Walton said. "But for families going through this, just having people support them is important, too."


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