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导读:在中国有这么一批人,不管他们来自哪里、不管他们姓甚名谁,只要他们长着一张外国人脸就能在中国混口饭吃,他们自嘲自己是白猴子。David Borensteins documentary on working as a white monkey in China is drawing lots of attent



David Borenstein’s documentary on working as a "white monkey" in China is drawing lots of attention.


"Nobody cares whether you are an accomplished actor or what do you do for a living. If you have a foreign face, you will be put on the stage, playing an architect or a musician in activities organized by real estate developers. White people are more popular," he explains, summarizing the premise of his 73-minute film Dream Empire.

他总结了自己的73分钟电影《梦想帝国(Dream Empire)》,然后解释道:“没人在乎你是否是一个有成就的演员,也没有人在乎你是干什么的。只要你长着一张外国人的脸,你就可以粉墨登台,在房地产开发商举办的活动上扮演一个建筑师或者音乐家。白人还要更受欢迎一些。”

Borenstein, a visiting American scholar from Miami, made the film about his experiences with a group of foreigners who were invited to real-estate openings and other activities in the second- or third-tier cities like Chengdu in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province or Chongqing to help "create an international atmosphere."


In the late 2000s and early 2010s, when China was going through a round of housing fever, many foreigners, who self-depreciatingly referred to themselves as "white monkeys" because they were treated like animals doing tricks in a carnival, were often approached by agents in the rent-a-foreigner industry to show up at promotional events organized to lure potential buyers.


The foreigners were often backpackers who were recruited in streets or pubs in these cities, or language teachers.


Borenstein said that the atmosphere of these performing activities is like "staying in a zoo" where the foreigners are like monkeys, and their white skin is the only reason for their popularity.


Interested in the rent-a-foreigner industry, as well as the political and cultural climate behind it, he recorded his work experience and made his documentary Dream Empire in 2016, which follows the rise and fall of Yana, a foreigner agent, and the Chinese building boom.


An abridged version of the film was recently widely circulated on Chinese social media. It prompted many Chinese viewers to criticize a sense of inferiority amongst Chinese people and an attitude of worshipping everything foreign.


Borenstein argued that the rent-a-foreigner industry is just one of several themes of his documentary. "I have studied Chinese for 10 years. My general impression of the Chinese people is very high," he told the global Times on Monday via e-mail.


"Most Chinese people were proud of their own culture. But it is interesting that at the same time many had a tendency to glorify Western countries," he noted.


  • 本文标签:
  • 外国人 白猴子
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