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教材内容频曝“虚假 专家回应:学生不应唯课本!

导读:自从《爱迪生救妈妈》被爆有违事实之后,语文课文的选材再次成为了人们关注的焦点。有学者呼吁,学生不应迷信教材,而应博览群书。The Peoples Education Press has announced that it will remove the fake text about Thomas Edis


教材内容频曝“虚假 专家回应:学生不应唯课本!

The People’s Education press has announced that it will remove the "fake text" about Thomas Edison (1847-1931) from textbooks since the next semester from September.


According to that text, Edison, as a child, used mirrors to direct light to the operation table during his mother’s appendicitis surgery. though the story highlights the earlier creativity of Edison, the first appendicitis surgery was performed in 1886, when Edison was 39 years old.


Some people said some Chinese textbooks have similar factual errors. For instance, one text describes a father rushing to a school to save students after the 1994 earthquake rocked California. Yet a simple fact check shows the 1994 earthquake occurred at 4:30 am when most of the students were in bed. And after suspecting readers debunk such stories, editors should either correct the mistakes or remove the contents from textbooks.

一些人表示,部分语文课本有着类似的事实错误。例如,一篇文章描述了一位父亲在1994年加利福尼亚地震后冲向学校救学生。然而,一个简单的事实检验显示,1994年地震发生在凌晨4:30,当时大多数学生都在睡觉。 在持怀疑态度的读者揭穿这一故事后,编者应该纠正错误或从教材中删除一些内容。

But a few authorities argue that these are not history textbooks, but books to teach Chinese language and literature to students. As such, they allow room for fictional "embellishments". Such arguments are indefensible, as Edison is a historical figure and biographical materials should be faithful to facts. Authors or editors cannot just make up content with factual loopholes.


Heavy dependence on textbooks in China might cause "intellectual malnutrition" among students. It’s true that editors carefully select these textbooks, but students should also be taught to find additional reading materials to enrich themselves. Educators and families should not put all their developmental eggs in one textbook basket for students. While publishers should address the problems with textbooks, I have higher hope that teachers and parents would scaffold students’ ability to choose additional sources to read. I also plead for more reading, as a thin textbook doesn’t offer much for the developmental needs at any grade level.


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