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美国某大学惊现辱华传单 嗨中国人!你知道打嗝和放屁不道德吗?

导读:近日,美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校校内张贴了不少针对中国学生的恶意传单,照片和传单内容一经流出,便引来众位华人学生的愤怒。Racist flyers targeting Chinese students have been seen on the University of Texas at Austin.最


美国某大学惊现辱华传单 嗨中国人!你知道打嗝和放屁不道德吗?

Racist flyers targeting Chinese students have been seen on the university of Texas at Austin.


The posters, which claim to promote a "special class" to teach Chinese students "ethics," went viral two days ago.


The poster sarcastically notes that plagiarism "isn’t bad in Chinese culture."


"Did you know burping and farting are unethical? We know they aren’t bad in your culture," it continues, adding: "We will teach you what you need to know."


Photos of the posters went up on Facebook, and were quickly condemned.


"I’d never thought that racism could occur on the UT campus — dear friends and family, this has really touched a bottom line of civility," says Vivi Chen. "Everyone deserves the right to equality. Fuck racism."


"I still hesitate to use the word ’racist’ or ’discrimination’ because it’s so painful and it’s not something we expect to happen nowadays," says one user.


UT Austin president, Gregory L. Fenves, released a statement shortly after, denouncing the posters, and saying they’re being taken down:


“Such posters are completely unacceptable. Consistent with UT Austin’s core values, every student, faculty member and staff member who sets foot on our campus has the right to learn, teach and work without fear and without being the object of hate and discrimination.”


Fenves later added that the student who put them up has been identified. The university did not release his name, but said that they would be reviewing the incident under the campus’ new anti-discrimination policy, which was released just two weeks prior.


The university’s Chinese Students and Scholars association posted its objection on Facebook: "These posters do not represent Chinese culture or traditions, nor the UT students who so proudly honor their country and heritage."


This isn’t the first time the university has been hit with racist controversy. After Trump signed a ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries in February, posters targeting Muslims popped up on campus.


These posters were put up by American Vanguard, a white nationalist group that aimed to recruit from the college, according to Texas Monthly.


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  • 中国人
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