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导读:这位小姑娘,你已经成功引起《哈利波特》作者J.K罗琳的注意了Bana Alabed, the 7-year-old girl whose tweets from besieged Aleppo drew the worlds attention to the human toll of the Syria conflict, will publish her memoir



Bana Alabed, the 7-year-old girl whose tweets from besieged Aleppo drew the world’s attention to the human toll of the Syria conflict, will publish her memoir this fall.

在被围困的阿勒颇,七岁小女生芭娜·阿拉贝德(Bana Alabed)的推文使叙利亚冲突的伤亡情况引起了全世界的注意,而今年秋天,她就要出版自己的回忆录了。

In "Dear World," to be published by Simon & Schuster, Bana will describe her experiences in Syria and how she and her family are adapting to their new life in Turkey.

她的书《亲爱的世界》将由西蒙与舒斯特公司(Simon & Schuster)出版,在书里她讲述了自己在叙利亚的经历,以及她们一家人到底是如何适应在土耳其的生活的。

She took to Twitter this week to announce the news to her 369,000 followers: "I am happy to announce my book will be published by Simon & Schuster. The world must end all the wars now in every part of the world."


Her mother Fatemah, an English teacher who helps to write Bana’s tweets, told CNN that her daughter started writing the book this week. "By telling her story, I hope people will understand kids are the ones most affected by wars," she said.

她的母亲菲特玛(Fatemah)是一位英文老师,芭娜的推文就是她帮忙写的,她告诉CNN她女儿这周就会着手写书。 她说:“我希望人们通过她的故事明白,儿童才是战争最大的受害者。”

Bana began tweeting from her war-torn city in September 2016 and soon gathered a global following.


People are dying like flies here I don’t know what is next, she wrote in an early message. "The bombs are just like falling rain.


Tweeting several times a day, Bana told the world about the frequent air raids, the death of her friends and her dreams for the future, and shared photos of bombed buildings and graphic images of those killed.



We could not go out, Fatemah later told CNN. "Because of the bombs, I could not send [my children] to schools because it was so dangerous. So they lived their whole lives at home. They don’t know anyone, just me and their dad."

“我们不能出门,” 菲特玛告诉CNN:“因为轰炸,我不能送孩子们去上学,这太危险了。所以他们只能呆在家里,除了我和他爸爸,他们谁都不认识。”

I watched Harry Potter movie, Fatemah wrote in November. "Bana would like to read the book."


J.K. Rowling, the British author of the Harry Potter series, responded by sending Bana eBooks of the entire series.


She continues to use the social media platform that made her famous to call for an end to all wars and to urge US president Donald Trump to take action to save the children of Syria.


The only day God will be happy is when we end all the wars in this world, she wrote on April 12. "No more wars. PEACE."

“只有世界上没有战争的那天上帝才会开心,” 4月12她的推文写道:“愿再无战争,世界和平。”

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