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导读:当地时间周四晚上巴黎香榭丽舍大街发生枪击案,造成警员一死一伤。初步调查显示袭击者竟有多次袭警犯罪史。A man who killed a police officer on the Champs-Elysees Thursday night was known to French security services for ra



A man who killed a police officer on the Champs-Elysees Thursday night was known to French security services for radical Islamist activities and had shot and wounded an officer in the past, a source close to the investigation told CNN.


The suspect, who was shot dead by French police, was the subject of a "Fiche S" surveillance file and was on the radar of the French domestic security service DGSI, the source said.


The man was a French national who shot two officers in 2001 after being stopped by a police car, the source said. He was taken into custody but while being questioned grabbed another officer’s gun and shot him three times, the source said. He was convicted in that attack and had a criminal record because of involvement in violent robberies, the source said.


The source said French investigators now believe this was in all likelihood a terrorist attack. They believe there was just one attacker, and the danger is likely over, the source said.


ISIS issued a statement saying an Islamic state "fighter" carried out the attack. The ISIS statement identified the attacker and called him "the Belgian." CNN has not confirmed the attacker’s association with Belgium.


Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said he will reveal the shooter’s identity on Friday at a news conference. He said officers are searching the man’s residence in Chelles,a Paris suburb, and are trying to determine if he had accomplices.

巴黎检察官Francois Molins他将在周五的一个新的会议上揭露袭击者的身份。他说警察正在巴黎的郊区谢莱搜寻这个人的住处,同时确认这个人是否有共犯。

The shooting has not officially been declared a terrorist act but anti-terrorist forces are leading the investigation, French president Francois Hollande said.


The people who were present have been evacuated and we are convinced that the leads which point us to this case, and which will allow us to uncover the truth, are of a terrorist nature, he said.


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