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导读:丹麦大使馆一篇讲丹麦生蚝泛滥的文章让中国吃货们炸了锅,但这其实是一场机智的营销,而除了丹麦外,美国、新西兰、德国都处心积虑地想把他们的鲤鱼、小龙虾和大闸蟹出口到中国。An article posted by Royal Danish Embassy in Chin



An article posted by Royal Danish Embassy in China that Denmark is now facing the Oyster Invasion has recently gone viral online in China. The clever marketing campaign has attracted many food enthusiasts in China to offer a helping hand internationally to overcome this crisis. While at the same time, Denmark seized the opportunity to reveal the idea of exports to China. It is known that a well-known supermarket in China has already contacted the embassy to talk about the trade.


Besides the oysters in Denmark, the carps in the U.S., the crayfish on the beaches of New Zealand and the mitten crabs in Germany have also attracted the food enthusiasts in China. In a commentary published on April 29, 2017, the People’s Daily points out that the governments of these countries are actually aware of the importance of turning trash into treasure, as well as turning ecological crisis into export opportunities. With the economic globalization and informatization, economic complementarity is no longer a vague and general concept but a tangible factor that can easily penetrate into our lives and gradually change our lives through internet.


The exporting countries should also turn themselves into selling mentality. especially in the fierce overseas competition, they should thoroughly consider the proportion of quarantine requirements, agricultural protection, trade barriers, etc. to the cost in order to gain the popularity among Chinese consumers. What the consumers expect is not to have oysters in a Michelin-starred restaurant, but to enjoy them by a barbecue stall.


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  • 大使馆
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