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导读:据媒体报道,3号晚间,朝鲜国家媒体朝中社点名道姓地批评了中国执行制裁措施,并警告北京不要再做动摇朝中关系基础的鲁莽行动。SEOUL, May 4 (Yonhap) -- South Koreas unification ministry said Thursday that it was rare for No



SEOUL, May 4 (Yonhap) -- South Korea’s unification ministry said Thursday that it was rare for North Korea to directly criticize China, one day after Pyongyang claimed that Beijing is undermining their ties by implementing sanctions.

韩联社首尔5月4日电 韩国统一部周四表示,在平壤宣称北京通过执行制裁正在损害朝中关系一天后,朝鲜罕见地点名道姓批评了中国。

North Korea’s state media said in a commentary issued in the name of Kim Chol on Wednesday that China has crossed the red line of their bilateral ties by pushing for tougher sanctions, saying that Pyongyang will never beg for Beijing’s friendship.


The Ministry of Unification said that the North made a "rare" direct condemnation of China, given that previously Pyongyang used the term "a neighboring country" when criticizing Beijing.


"North Korea seemed to show a strong reaction as China has joined other nations’ move to send a message against its nuclear and missile provocations," said a ministry official, asking not to be named. "Pyongyang needs to pay attention to this message."


The official also added that North Korea appeared to adjust its level of criticism by using what appears to be the pen name of Kim Chol.


China is North Korea’s key economic benefactor and treaty ally, but their ties have been frayed following North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests.


Cheong Seong-chang, a senior research fellow at the Sejong Institute, said that North Korea showed strong complaints over China’s cooperation with the U.S. in employing sanctions against the North.


"North Korea is expected to try to strengthen its ties with Russia while seeking to intentionally ignore China. If a new administration takes office in South Korea, Pyongyang is likely to aggressively make a peace offensive toward the South," he added.


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