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导读:你知道吗?哈佛大学的现任校长是一位女性,而她自己最忌讳的就是他人称她为哈佛女校长。In a public seminar at the Harvard School of Public Health on Monday afternoon, University President Drew G. Faust said that she has



In a public seminar at the Harvard School of Public Health on Monday afternoon, university president Drew G. Faust said that she has come to embrace her role as Harvard’s first female president in the years after her appointment in 2007.


“It’s really important that I inhabit this role,” she said. “[My appointment] has an important symbolic force within American life, American higher education, and even around the world.”


Faust said that when she was first named University president, she wanted to avoid being put into a “special box” because she is a woman.


“I’m not the woman president of Harvard. I’m the president of Harvard,” Faust famously said during a press conference in 2007 regarding her appointment.


At the time, Faust said during the discussion at HSPH, she wanted to avoid whatever “debility or identity” accompanied focusing on her gender immediately after she assumed her position.


“I just thought it was so important to say, I’m going to be the president of Harvard,” she said.


Numerous people have since then contacted Faust to tell her that she has served as a role model for their daughters. Their outreach, Faust said, made her realize the importance of being Harvard’s first female president.


Faust said that she makes a point of visiting all-girls’ schools whenever she travels internationally in order to speak with young women about their aspirations and the future of higher education.


Faust is one of several women at the helms of Ivy League institutions. Amy Gutman and Shirley M. Tilghman are the current presidents of the University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University, respectively. Economist Christina H. Paxson succeeded Ruth J. Simmons as president of Brown University this past March.

福斯特是常春藤联盟院校几位女性当家人中的一员。Amy Gutman和Shirley M. Tilghman当前是宾夕法尼亚大学和普林斯顿大学的校长。去年三月份,经济学家Christina H. Paxson继Ruth J. Simmons之位成为布朗大学校长。

Faust said she thinks the nature of higher education leadership positions uniquely allows for women to succeed in such roles.


“Presidencies come pretty late in career. University presidents don’t tend to be very young because they have to do so many things first,” she said.


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  • 半边天 女校长
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