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导读:著名女星杰西卡查斯坦表示好莱坞仍有很多不足,以下五个方面可以改进。Its difficult to find a more varied CV in Hollywood than Jessica Chastains.在好莱坞,很难找到比杰西卡查斯坦经历更丰富的演员了。Shes played a CIA anal



It’s difficult to find a more varied CV in Hollywood than Jessica Chastain’s.


She’s played a CIA analyst in Zero Dark Thirty, a housewife in The Help and is about to be seen as a ruthless lobbyist in political thriller Miss Sloane.


But having worked in the industry for well over a decade, Chastain says she remains disappointed by many aspects of Hollywood.


The actress spoke to BBC News during a visit to London last week, and shared her thoughts on what exactly needs to change.



1.Some film critics need to open their minds


Obviously all actors dislike bad reviews, but Chastain’s problem is a little more specific - she thinks some critics are too close-minded.


"I had a lot of problems with Zero Dark Thirty and some reviews of Miss Sloane," she says.


"[Some reviews] said ’Yes it’s a great character, but why can’t she be a women, why does she have to be so masculine?’.


"Femininity for each person is whatever they define it to be, and to say that femininity is to be soft, kind, loving, compassionate and weak, and masculinity is aggression, power, ambition and strength - [we’re in] 2017 and we need to move away from that."


2. Learning lines needs to be second nature to actors


Earlier this month, Johnny Depp’s former managers claimed the actor is often fed his lines through an earpiece instead of actually learning them.


Chastain had, err, an interesting reaction to this when we mentioned it to her (see the video above).


And it’s fair to say her policy for learning the huge amount of dialogue in Miss Sloane was slightly different to Depp’s.


"My technique is working hard," she says simply. "So on the weekends before I go into my work week I spend my entire day working on a script.

“我正在努力提高自己,”她简单地回答道。 “所以在进入工作周之前的周末,我花了整整一天的时间研究台词。


3. More films with female ensemble casts need to be made


You could certainly argue that Hollywood has come along way since Chastain’s 2009 film The Help, which had an all-female principle cast.


But, in the grand scheme of things, such films are still few and far between, perhaps because of Hollywood’s reluctance to put women centre stage.


She points out: "Films with male ensembles don’t work all the time and no-one talks about it."


"So I think we need to acknowledge that movies with female ensembles have a greater chance of making money than movies with male ensembles, and it’s because the audience wants diversity in their storytelling - they want stories they haven’t seen before."



4. Actors need a little less conversation, a little more action


"I think there’s a lot of talk going on, but if you’re part of the industry you’re part of the problem, so you need to put your talk into action," she says.


"It’s not enough to say ’Oh there’s a wage gap’ and ’Oh only 7% of American film directors are women’, you have to say, ’Well if I’m part of the industry I’m part of the problem, what can I do to help?’.


"And so I’m doing whatever I can to work with female film-makers. I’m always speaking up whenever I see an injustice. I’m always doing whatever I can to create opportunities for people who haven’t had a voice in American cinema.


She’s not kidding - one of Chastain’s most recent films was The Zookeeper’s Wife, directed by Niki Caro, who recently became only the fifth woman to direct a film budgeted at more than $100m.

她不是在开玩笑,查斯坦最近的一部电影是由Niki Caro执导的“The Zookeeper’s Wife”。Niki Caro最近成为了第一位导演的电影的预算超过1亿美元的女性。


5.Audiences need to be challenged more


Chastain’s character in Miss Sloane is ruthless, tough and smart - a role she thinks will help audiences start to see female characters in a new way.


"I was really excited about playing the smartest person in the room, I knew it was going to be a big challenge," Chastain says of the role.


"I liked to play a character who shattered a stereotype of what a woman is supposed to be.


"I think an audience isn’t used to seeing a woman who isn’t a caregiver. Society expects women to be the nurturers of their families and to be mothers and to want that - and Elizabeth Sloane doesn’t want that.


Miss Sloane is released in UK cinemas this weekend


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