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It’s a Wanda-ful Life 万达多美好

导读:中国的房地产首富想成为娱乐业巨头WANG JIANLIN started life with a red spoon in his mouth. His father was a Communist military hero who fought alongside Mao. Thanks to his influence, the youngster was able to join the


It’s a Wanda-ful Life 万达多美好

WANG JIANLIN started life with a red spoon in his mouth. His father was a Communist military hero who fought alongside Mao. Thanks to his influence, the youngster was able to join the People’s Liberation Army at 15 and so avoid the worst deprivations of the Cultural Revolution. After 17 years in the army, he decided that the future belonged not to generals but to businessmen. So in 1988, after a stint as a bureaucrat, he formed a property company in the north-eastern city of Dalian, using $80.000 of borrowed money.


His firm, Dalian Wanda, is now China’s biggest private property developer, with shopping centers opened, or coming soon, in 100 cities. The $3.7 billion floatation of its property division in December sent his personal fortune soaring past $25 billion: He vies with Alibaba’s Jack Ma for the title of the country’s richest man. Now China’s land king is going global and diversifying from property.


He is doing so in style. You do not expect blaring disco music and strobes, leggy beauties and champagne first thing in the morning. But that is how Mr Wang-who favors private jets and flashy yachts (he owns Sunseeker, the British maker of the sleek craft seen in James Bond films)-celebrated his latest deal on February 10th. In the glittering ballroom of the Sofitel Wanda hotel in Beijing, he toasted a $1.2 billion deal to buy InFront Sports & Media, which holds some of the marketing rights to FIFA’s World Cup. He took a 20% stake in Atletico Madrid football club. Mr Wang is also on track to become the world’s biggest owner of five-star hotels, with billion-dollar investment in Sydney, London, Chicago and Los Angeles.

他干得气派十足。你不会想到清晨第一件事会是喧嚣的迪斯科音乐、耀眼的频闪灯、长腿美女和香槟。但2月10日王健林就是以此庆祝他的最新一笔交易(他喜欢私人飞机和豪华游艇,拥有英国圣汐公司(Sunseeker),该公司生产的时髦游艇出现在007电影里)。在北京万达索菲特酒店华丽的宴会厅里,他庆祝以12亿美元收购盈方体育传媒集团(InFront Sports & Media),该集团拥有国际足联世界杯部分市场营销权。他购入马德里竞技足球俱乐部20%的股份。他还有望成为全球最大的五星级酒店业主,在悉尼、伦敦、芝加哥和洛杉矶投资达数十亿美元。

Hollywood moguls were perplexed when some Asian guy the hadn’t heard of bought AMC, a big but struggling American cinema chain, for $2.6 billion in 2012. He is now rumoured to have Lionsgate, the studio behind “The Hunger Games”, in his sights.


Mr Wang wants to transform Dalian Wanda into a global entertainment colossus capable of beating Disney. He is dreaming up acquisitions that will increase his group’s annual revenues by 2020 to $100 billion, a fifth to come from outside China. He insists it can become a global force like Google and Walmart.


  • 本文标签:
  • Wanda-ful 房地产
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