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导读:许多人认为隔着一条网线,他们就可以在网络上肆意妄为、兴风作浪,网络是否真的败坏了人类的道德?Years ago, one had to wait days or weeks to receive a letter or news from across the world. Now, everything is at the click



Years ago, one had to wait days or weeks to receive a letter or news from across the world. Now, everything is at the click of a mouse.


But the Internet has also created a culture of idiots and trolls who believe they’re not subject to any moral standards when they give an opinion or comment on something.


Since there’s a screen to protect them, they believe they aren’t bound by the laws of any nation. that couldn’t be furthest from the truth.


Cowards leave comments that are outright sexist, ageist, racist, mean or cruel. I was reading an article about the terrorist attack that happened in Florida a couple of months ago and had to stop reading the comment section. The people who left comments were without any sense of dignity or humanity.


You had literal posts like, "The people who died probably deserved it" and "Who cares!" The comments made me sick to my stomach and made me wonder at the inhumanity of people or an entire generation for that matter.


These are individuals who feel a sense of entitlement and believe they can be outright cruel to others based on their right to be anonymous on the Internet.


I still believe that the Internet is a great tool for learning, but it shouldn’t become a tool of hate. It shouldn’t be a place to say or post whatever you want without any consequence or backlash. When somebody posts something racist or sexist, they ought to be held liable for it. Individuals shouldn’t tread on the rights of others. I don’t believe in persecution for saying what you want, but I do believe in prosecution for hurting others and being a bullying bigoted animal!


Another piece of news that sickened me was the four Chicago teenagers who beat up and tortured another young kid who is mentally challenged. These same idiots later posted their hate crime on the Web.


The judge said it perfectly when he asked them, "Where’s your sense of decency?" in court after their arrest.


What’s happening to our world? It not where we’re from or the color of our skin that matters, it’s the color of our hearts. Sadly, what I’m seeing on the Internet is a group of cold people with hearts of stone. All I’m saying is, "Let’s stop and think before we say something that might hurt others down the road!"


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