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导读:据报道,近日马里兰大学一名中国留学生在毕业演讲上声称美国的空气多么香甜引发热议。不少网友纷纷在社交媒体上对该学刻意抹黑中国的言论给予批评。The honor of speaking at a university commencement has been shattered for one



The honor of speaking at a university commencement has been shattered for one Chinese graduate of the University of Maryland, after her speech drew widespread criticism for bolstering negative Chinese stereotypes.


The speaker, Yang Shuping, began her speech at the ceremony on May 21 (local time), explaining that it was “fresh air” that made her come to the university in the first place.

这名名为Yang Shuping的发言人于当地时间5月21日在典礼上发表了演讲,她解释道,(美国的)“新鲜空气”是她来马里兰大学的首要原因。

“Five years ago, as I stepped off the plane from China and left the terminal at Dallas Airport, I was ready to put on one of my five face masks. But when I took my first breath of American air, I put my mask away. The air was so sweet and fresh, and oddly luxurious,” said Yang, adding that she felt surprised because she grew up in a Chinese city “where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside; otherwise, I might get sick.”

Yang Shuping说道:“五年前,当我从来自中国的飞机走下来,离开多拉斯机场终点站的时候,我准备从备好的五个口罩中拿出一个戴上。但是当我呼吸到美国的第一口空气的时候,我就把口罩给扔了。这里的空气很甜、很新鲜、且极致奢华。”她补充道,她感到十分意外,因为在她长大的中国城市,“我每次出门都要带上口罩;否则,我会感到不适。”

The graduate then continued, claiming that she would be “forever grateful” for the “fresh air of free speech,” since she used to be convinced that only authority figures could define the truth.


The speech, though outwardly inspirational, soon triggered discontent among Chinese students around the U.S. Some complained that Yang had deliberately exaggerated the air conditions in her hometown of Kunming, which in fact has some of the best air quality of any Chinese city.

该演讲虽然表面上鼓舞人心,但是随即引起了全美中国留学生的不满。一些人抱怨道,Yang Shuping故意夸大她的家乡昆明的空气状况,事实上昆明的空气质量在全国城市当中名列前茅。

Many wrote on social media that they were ashamed of Yang for delivering such a biased speech, playing up the wrong stereotypes about China.

很多人在社交媒体为Yang Shuping发表这样带有偏见的演讲而蒙羞,她在玩弄关于中国的错误形象。

In response, an online activity has been launched to call on Chinese students in the U.S. to make videos to introduce themselves and their hometowns in a more objective way. Students at the University of Maryland reportedly mulled to rally with T-shirts reading "Proud of China." They also expected the university, known for its truth-seeking and diversity, to answer to the calls.


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  • 马里兰 留学生
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