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导读:近日,苹果公司收取30%打赏费一事引起了很多网友的不满。不少人称,宁可不用iPhone也得用微信。Last month, Chinas social networking and messaging app WeChat closed the tipping function on its iOS version due to Apples res



Last month, China’s social networking and messaging app WeChat closed the "tipping" function on its iOS version due to Apple’s restrictions on third-party payment links. Soon after, Apple decided to take 30 percent of "tips" on other social networking apps as commission fees.


Many Chinese citizens fumed upon hearing the news, even going so far as to suggest that an anti-monopoly investigation be carried out. The tipping function on Chinese social networking platforms is free to use and allows people to send authors and other content creators tips via mobile transfers.


Social networking apps vs. iPhones

社交网络App vs. 苹果

If Apple kicks major social networking apps out of its App Store, will you stop using iPhones or the apps themselves? Many netizens swore they would abandon iPhones, but not the apps. They are not willing to cut themselves off from the essential social networks. One netizen with the username "roro loves eating meat" said that both WeChat and iPhones can be viewed as tools. At present, no other apps can replace WeChat in daily life.


"If I could only choose one of the two, I would definitely choose WeChat," the netizen mused.


Another user, "Chenxuan Leo," pointed out that the iPhone market share is shrinking as China’s domestic mobile phone makers expands. Sophisticated users may turn increasingly to the Android system in response to Apple’s behavior.

另外一名名为"Chenxuan Leo"的用户指出,随着中国国内移动手制造商机的扩张,iPhone市场份额正在缩水。老用户可能越来越多地转向安卓以回应苹果的行为。

Apple suspected of abusing market dominance


"Amitabha 007" speculated that the biggest reason for Apple’s 30 percent in-app tipping service charge is that the company’s revenue in China is shrinking, and its product shipments are also declining.

Amitabha 007推测,苹果收取30%app打赏费最大的原因是该公司在中国的收益正在缩水,其产品数量也在下降。

Meanwhile, "Adiba-V" claimed that Apple’s behavior is an abuse of its market dominance. The current mobile phone payment market was developed by WeChat and Alipay. Apple wants to reap these same benefits after doing nothing to earn them, and to deploy this method against its competitors. Instead, Apple should offer users an improved Apple Pay service and a better customer experience.


Many felt that China’s state Administration for industry and Commerce should conduct an anti-monopoly probe into the case.


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