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近日,发表在《英国皮肤病学》杂志上的一项新研究表示,痤疮可能导致严重的抑郁症,风险最高期的是痤疮确诊后的第一年。A new study suggests that acne can lead to major depression, and the risk is highest in the first year after



A new study suggests that acne can lead to major depression, and the risk is highest in the first year after acne has been diagnosed.


Published in The British Journal of Dermatology, the new research drew on data from nearly 1.9 million men and women over a 15-year period. (They were all part of The Health Improvement Network, a large primary care database in the United Kingdom, according to a press release.)

发表在《英国皮肤病学》杂志上的这项新研究,收录了近15年来近190万男性和女性的数据。 (根据新闻稿,他们都是英国健康改善网络的成员,这是英国的一个大型初级保健数据库。)

The researchers compared the mental health of more than 134,000 people with acne to that of 1.7 million people who were blemish-free.


After accounting for behaviors that can contribute to depression—things like smoking, drinking, weight, and income—the researchers discovered that the likelihood of developing major depression jumped by 63 percent in the year following an acne diagnosis, and it remained elevated for up to five years when compared to people who didn’t have acne.


The lead author, Isabelle A. Vallerand, PhD, an epidemiologist at the university of Calgary, told the New York Times: “It appears that acne is a lot more than just skin deep. It can have a substantial impact on overall mental health.”

研究的第一作者,卡尔加里大学流行病学专家Isabelle A. Vallerand博士告诉纽约时报:“看来痤疮不仅仅是皮肤现象。它可以对整体心理健康产生重大影响。”

She believes the link needs to be taken seriously. Health-care providers should track the mood of acne patients and be ready to address signs depression—or consult with a mental health professional.

她认为,这个关联需要被重视。卫生保健提供者应追踪痤疮患者的情绪,并准备好解决抑郁症征状 - 或咨询精神卫生专业人员。

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