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保时捷可能打造飞行汽车,争夺未来城市中可能出现的飞行出租车市场。Porsche is studying flying passenger vehicles but expects it could take up to a decade to finalize technology before they can launch in real traffic, its he



Porsche is studying flying passenger vehicles but expects it could take up to a decade to finalize technology before they can launch in real traffic, its head of development said Tuesday.


Volkswagen’s sports car division is in the early stages of drawing up a blueprint of a flying taxi as it ponders new mobility solutions for congested urban areas, Porsche R&D chief Michael Steiner said at the Geneva auto show.

保时捷研发部门负责人Michael Steiner在日内瓦车展上表示,大众汽车旗下的跑车部门正在计划飞行出租车的设计方案,该计划将为拥堵的城市地区提供新的出行解决方案。

The maker of the 911 sports car would join a raft of companies working on designs for flying cars in anticipation of a shift in the transport market toward self-driving vehicles and on-demand digital mobility services.


We are looking into how individual mobility can take place in congested areas where today and in the future it is unlikely that everyone can drive the way he wants, Steiner said in an interview.


VW’s auto designer Italdesign and Airbus exhibited an evolved version of the two-seater flying car called Pop.Up at the Geneva show. It is designed to avoid gridlock on city roads and premiered at the annual industry gathering a year ago.


Separately, Porsche expects the cross-utility variant of its all-electric Mission E sports car to attract at least 20,000 buyers if it gets approved for production, Steiner said.

另外Steiner说,保时捷公司预计,如果它获准投产,它的纯电动多用途型跑车mission E将吸引至少2万名买家。

Porsche will decide later this year whether to build the Mission E Cross Turismo concept, which surges to 100 kph (62 mph) in less than 3.5 seconds, he said.

他说,保时捷将在今年晚些时候决定是否建造Mission E Cross Turismo概念车,在不到3.5秒的时间内达到100公里/小时(62英里/小时)的速度。

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