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背包客大妈走红网络 圈粉过百万

一位退休后选择背包旅游生活方式的中国大妈,已在社交媒体圈粉数百万。这位73岁的退休教师齐(音)女士表示,她选择去旅游而非与后代住在一起并照顾他们。An elderly woman who has chosen a life of backpacking in her retirement has wo


背包客大妈走红网络 圈粉过百万

An elderly woman who has chosen a life of backpacking in her retirement has won millions of fans on Chinese social media.


The 73-year-old retired teacher, identified by Pear video as Ms Qi, says she opted for travelling over providing live-in care to her descendants.


The short online video has ignited online debate about the traditional idea that China’s elderly should move in with their children and spend the rest of their lives taking care of grandchildren.


"Why do elderly Chinese people have to do housework, and look after their children and grandchildren?" she tells Pear Video.


"We should have our own lives."


Ms Qi says in the video that she has been travelling all her life, visiting countries in Europe, North America and Asia.


Pear Video followed her as she embarked on her latest trip to Quanzhou in China’s southwest Fujian Province. She stays in a dormitory in the video, and says she saves money by travelling with students and sharing journey costs.


She says that meeting young people is one of the most important things about her travels. "I talk with them and they have lots of fresh things to say," she says.

她说与年轻人见面是她旅行最重要的事情之一。 “我和他们交谈,他们分享很多新鲜事,”她说。

Her mother is still alive, and Ms Qi says she video-calls the 92-year-old daily to let her know how she is, and frequently posts pictures on social media for her children and grandchildren.


"I have a public account," she says, "And I’ve had it for about five months. I write everything: my memories, my inspirations - a diary of memories for my children and grandchildren."

“我有一个公开账户,”她说,“我已经用了五个月的时间了,在上面我写下所有的东西:我的回忆,我的灵感 - 这是为我的孩子和子孙们写的日记。”

The three-minute video featuring Ms Qi has been viewed more than 11 million times on video website Miaopai.


It has received tens of thousands of comments on Chinese social media, including on the Sina Weibo microblog, with many users speaking with admiration for her as a free-spirited woman.


"An independent, enchanting woman," one says, "Her age is not an issue."


Many users say that watching her enjoying her freedom has empowered them to speak about their own independence and decisions like whether to marry or have children.


Ms Qi’s video has also got social media users thinking critically about what the role of elderly people should be in family life.


"I hope I can be like her when I’m old," says one. Another adds: "There are not enough people like this: today’s elderly seem to think that they can’t be the same as when they were young.


"But we all have our own lives to think about."


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